
The “swap” idea is good. Perhaps a button press that automatically brings up a quick menu where you can easily select what to drop.

Actually no. Breakable weapon is simply BoTW version of item equipment leveling.
Witcher 3 has item equipment and area levels, Skyrims has item equipment levels, BotW has weapon breaking item equipment levels.

What do i mean? In an open world everything is available to you straight from the beginning as long as you can

A lot of your points make it seem like you actually haven’t played the game.

nooooooo if there were blacksmiths that could fix red weapons, then we’d all constantly feel obliged to fast travel back to a town the minute anything turned red. Think about it, you’re in the middle of exploring a really cool new area and your beloved sword turns red... welp, better go get it fixed. We’d negate the

Wait so you want Sony to charge you less and NOT give you a free game but Nintendo IS charging way less and you are mad because they are giving you a month to play and beat a game? How does that even make sense in your brain?

Oh, it’d hold up fine. Y’see, for every argument that claims turn based gameplay is “archaic” and “has no place in modern gaming”, I have one answer:

People have every right to complain.

Tolerance of it in entertainment, is not the same as tolerance in society in general.

Are you getting paid by the word? Because you didn’t need to type all that out for the answer.

Maybe you could write an article on the positive impact the game has had for individuals who have had issues with agoraphobia, social anxiety, and other mental health issues.

So no naming any kids David, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Simon, James, Paul, or Zachary then?

Heh, played over 1000 hours of destiny and still to complete any raid. When you get group together they usually disband for some reason. Usually they want to do some other raid but I would like to do them in order. Shame there’s no matchmaking for those who want it, had full raid group twice. Some times people expect

I legitimately feel like the whole “having to plan out your attacks so as not to waste them” aspect still helps me approach things (in games and in life) to this day.

Having to plan out your attacks so as not to waste them attacking something you already killed is one of the things I find particularly fun about this game. As you get better at remembering enemy HP and how much damage your characters do with their current stats and weapons, you do better in battles. When you switch

The only thing that rings out of all that is that one person or group of people benefits off of the free or cheap labour of others.

Surprised at the Yes rating. The positives don’t seem to outweigh the negatives, imo. But I guess it has Star Wars in the name so....

Another suggestion: go after achievements / trophies. So many people criticize them, but it’s entirely optional and they add a lot of replay value to some games.

I'd rather it be abundantly clear who the racists are so that they can be shamed/hunted out of existence.

Dammit! I thought that image meant someone was going to be remaking StarTropics. My hopes... shattered!

Just like the small group of people that convinced them to release Xenoblade, which was so successful it led both to a New 3DS port and a Wii U sequel? Or the small group of people that convinced Microsoft to drop their XB1 DRM?