Sounds more like you're an asshole than someone breached the rules of common decency.
Sounds more like you're an asshole than someone breached the rules of common decency.
Best Buy has better deals.
Except that critics (especially the most vocal ones like Sarkeesian) have only the shallowest complaints possible and are attacking symptoms, not the actual problems. It's picking all the wrong fights.
Goldeneye, looks like he just cleared the first mission.
Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
is it just me or Mr. Brian's been posting a lot of NSFW-ish news?
A Kirby costume would probably suck.
How To Make A Character That Doesn't Suck
I think this a great move. They're showing they're not afraid to make an advancement in hardware and actually have it mean something. Not something small like an "XL" version with a bigger screen. This is new hardware that can actually be utilized. Faster, better looking etc. It sucks for people who won't be able to…
It's not a valid complaint at all. If this was revealed as Sony exclusive , the backlash wouldn't be the same and everyone knows it. It's not a dick move it's the most MS is supposed to be making as an organization. Again , this is only because there is a negative perception of the Xbox One in the gaming community. If…
I was hoping for the old battle mode to return :(
Yup. way to high quality for a SNES.
I used to love my local GameStop and then I moved to Seattle. The GameStop in my new neighborhood has flat out stated they will only order the exact pre-order amount of any new games for the first 2 weeks. If you don't pre-order then you have to wait 2 weeks to get the game. God forbid that you don't hear of a game…
Same shit happened to me. They didn't even bother putting new security stickers on to fool me either. Got home, took the game out of the bag to see the seals broken. Game didn't appear to be scratched, but I was still mad enough to never go back. I paid $59.99 for a brand new game, not for one that obviously was…
I'll never shop at GameStop ever again after they sold me a copy of Super Mario 3D World... claiming it was new, even though they already opened it... and it was scratched! They said it was their last copy too... so I brought it back the next day, pissed off, and magically, they found a copy that wasn't already…
I'm not entirely against preordering games, but to me, Game Stop seems like a business that should have collapsed under the might of much more efficient models long ago.
It's not a remake of the old anime series. It's a new series based on the original manga.
Except the part where she's at the arcade playing the new Sailor V game...