
Bungie finally responded on this issue with the following statement:

This whole situation is frustrating. I was just one trophy shy of the platinum, and attempted the Savathun Prestige Strike several times with friends. We had the boss down to less than 5% of his health, but would run out of time. Now I can’t even attempt to earn this trophy without purchasing the expansion, which

Same goes for Prestige Nightfalls, making the prestige trophy unattainable to those who don’t have the season pass. Sadly that was the last trophy I needed.

If you hold the Y button after throwing your hat, it should spin in place for a few seconds. That’s when you jump on your hat.

No love for Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth? :( It comes out this Tuesday on the 3DS.

This happened before with Devil Survivor: Overclocked on the 3DS. Took a picture of it a few years ago. I don’t remember what triggers this conversation, but I recall that I only saw it in one of several play throughs. Here’s a rough translation of the text:

Sadly Shantae: Half Genie Hero was recently delayed. It should come out sometime in November.

I’ll be in Japan right after the Japanese version launches. Looks like I will be buying this in Japanese and English.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions. TMS, SMT backwards. Can’t wait!

I had no idea that the Japanese version used Ibunroku 異聞録, which roughly means alternate chronicle or unusual chronicle. Bot the original Persona and Devil Survivor had Ibunroku in their titles. Even more hyped now.

I wish I had backed this up on Kickstarter myself. I loved the hell out of the original Baldur's Gate games, Icewind Dale, and Planescape Torment. So far, the only game I have back is Cosmic Star Heroine, once I see that it's a great game, which I am very confident about, I will continue to support RPGs like this one.

The cow goes "Shazoo!"

I've been use the web based kanji box for years and I agree that it's a very useful tool. In addition to physical flash cards, study guides, and exposure to lots of Japanese media, kanji box is helping me train for the 日本語能力試験 (JLPT) N2. You can use the web based version by following the link below and can see how you

I had a similar experience where an assistant manager belittled me for not pre-ordering a game. Two of my best friends worked at Gamestop and both had terrible experiences. They only push pre-orders on people since it's used as a way to rank employees. They don't care about individual sales just pre-orders,

Most of the complaints I have seen these past few days seem to be from people who didn't read the manga. Sailor Moon Crystal is to Sailor Moon as Full Metal Alchemist:Brotherhood is to Full Metal Alchemist.

Now playing

The Spanish dubs of Sailor Moon have pretty accurate translations of Moonlight Densetsu and Heart Moving. Italy took it to another extreme and created five different songs for the first season, R, S, SuperS and Sailor Stars. Most of the Italians revolved around a center theme of its respective series. Check out the TV

This was pretty cool. It reminds me of this one time when I was at karaoke in Japan. I entered Moonlight Densetsu and alternated between the Japanese and English lyrics of the song. ♪Gomen ne sunao ja nakute... Winning love by daylight... Shikou kairo wa shooto sunzen... She is the one named Sailor Moon.

I'm glad some finally wrote about Trinity Soul. I remember watching the fan subs as it aired and enjoying it, despite the events of recent Persona games contradicting it. It's a bit tough to get into if you are expecting it to be like any of the games, but on it's own there are some decent plot points along the way.

As much as I enjoyed Kid Icarus: Uprising, I couldn't the higher difficulty settings. The controls are really not lefty friendly and the left handed mode is terrible. When the game was first released, I remember attending a vs mode tournament at Gamestop, no one even knew how to set the game to left handed mode there.

Always happy to see Sailor Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres. They need more love. If Sailor Moon Crystal goes beyond the Dark Kingdom arc, I would love to see the Amazoness Quartet become Sailor Senshi.