
Yeah, I’m set to be making around $120k next year, but I also have $120k in student debt. Most of my friends I went to school with have double that. We may look like fancy-pants dentists, but having that kind of debt is psychologically exhausting, and makes it very difficult to invest in anything else. I’m paying it

My mirena IUD has changed my life.... not for everyone, but it is probably the best thing I’ve ever done for myself. I honestly didn’t realize what a relief not having a period would be until I didn’t have one.

I had a similar experience on the depo shot. I swear I’ve tried almost every birth control option available. Several pills, nuva ring (DESTROYED sex for me), depo, IUD. After literally spotting for 9 months straight on depo with the occasional cascade (not as bad as youve described), I went off of it. I naturally have

Millions of people are dying of dysentery in the books....

See, I don’t think season 3 or 4 Dany would have made any different decisions. She has always been impulsive and violent. She’s been roasting her foes left and right for a veeeery long time, based on a questionable sense of morality. She only ever makes pragmatic decisions when one of her advisors convinces her to

She has *sucked at* ruling over cities.... she is consistently a great conquerer and a terrible ruler. I can never remember exactly what happens in the books vs show but damn the cities and people she ruled over she horrifically fucked. I appreciate that with Dany, like many of the characters, GRRM subverts our

The first link you posted seems... nice? I mean they start our by grudgingly acknowledging that the collective “we” has allowed Lively/Reynolds into our hearts, and then they love her dress. What am I missing?

Yeah, I kind of thought that her transformation into a Faceless Man made her into an asexual magical entity, like Bran. So I was a bit taken aback. But I’m coming to terms with the idea that somehow she rigged the system, and became both a Faceless Man AND remained a Stark at heart, since she clearly did not 100% give

I do do that sometimes! lol 

Agree! I don’t mind fondant, I like the chewy texture. I usually find cakes to be bland texture-wise. I much prefer a cookie or other dessert. When you add fondant though, theres a little more going on. I know I am in the minority!

Marzipan might be my fave dessert in the world.

Yes, I went to a very wealthy public high school in so cal, with lots and lots of people just like this. Remember when “my sweet sixteen” was a thing? TWO girls from my HS were on that show when I was there. 

I think “getting away with” yellow gold might have to do with your skin tone. I’ve always worn yellow gold and knew i wanted a yellow gold engagement ring (it has a GORGEOUS teal sapphire as the center stone *swoon*); and once our jewelry designer saw me try on platinum vs yellow gold she was like “yep, the yellow

I posted this down thread a bit, but my fiance loads the dishwasher in an absolutely abhorrent way that I’ve tried to get him to change several times over the last 8 years of our relationship (lol); he places the glasses on top of the spires instead of between them so they jiggle everywhere and hit each other, and

I have a question about where I fall on spectrum of terribleness, and this is an honest question. I *hate* the way my partner loads the dishwasher, like it actively stresses me out, so I just.... no longer load the dishwasher unless its a clean empty dishwasher. I feel bad about it frequently, but I asked him so many

My parents divorced when I was young and shared custody 50/50. My dad has told me doing my hair was his least favorite part of all of parenting, lol. I remember him SOAKING my hair in detangler and still crying. He tried, poor guy.  

I get what you’re saying, but as a dentist that occasionally takes photos for teaching purposes, those photos are completely anonymized and HIPAA compliant, and more specifically, I do not profit from them. I will admit I haven’t watched her show a ton, but I suspect it is difficult to make the patients completely

There was a very unfortunate ad for him running during the election with a close up of him with a cold sore which like... I know, 75% of the population has HSV, myself included, and I’m a dentist and I look at gross mouth shit all the time, but just... whyyyyy???

My parents always did stockings or things too big to wrap (a bike, for example) are from Santa, gifts under the tree are from parents. I think it was more of a practical thing, that they would wrap the gifts ahead of time and put them under the tree. We also follow the Scandinavian tradition of opening gifts xmas eve

They are in Socal - San Diego. Your first paragraph is spot on.