
I have rich parents (stepmom makes 500k, dad makes 100k working half time). They perpetually see themselves as middle class, despite being in the top 1% of earners in any state. They started out lower middle class and they worked to get where they are so they cannot fathom that they might no longer be middle class.

I am a dentist and I have never heard this.... seems like a preeeeetty important thing for us to know lol

I hate living in Texas. I hate that smarmy POS. 

He did it to everyone. His behavior was astonishing. If I had spoken like that to my parents as a teenager I would have been grounded. If i spoke to my boss like that right now, I would be fired immediately. What the fuck, senate??? 

Did you listen to or watch more of it? He was *not* just like that to female senators. Senator Blumenthal asked him about a speech he gave at Yale that described him stumbling out of a bus and having to piece together his recollections of the event. Blumenthal spent the entire 5 minutes just trying to get the question

I think you can tell when you have insta-chemistry with someone. I felt that with my SO - I knew I could be with him for a very long time, although I was 18 at the time so wasn’t thinking about marriage (and we are engaged now, 10 years later).... I have also had similar insta-chemistry with people I knew would be

Ooooh have I gotta story for you. I just started at a new job and one of my co-workers was talking about how he doesnt use any kind of dishes, silverware or cups, he uses paper plates, plastic silverware, and solo cups, and TRASHES them all. AT LEAST RECYCLE THE SOLO CUPS, BUDDY. And also, what sort of man-child ARE

I am just engaged and we have been together 8 years. We started dating when I had just turned 20. We were just babies. We have done so much growing, and there were many places along the way where we could have made different choices that would have taken us on separate paths. Choosing to walk our paths together when

But... I’m really not sure she was. Like her opinions informed mine. She used to say things like “Those poor kids that have been here for years and know no other home, of course we should give them opportunities for citizenship,” and “people who are so anti-immigrant... are *they* willing to go pick their own

My mom does... I just... I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to be friends with her or how to maintain our relationship.... I find it hard to come up with things to talk to her about. I despair about it all the time.

I also wonder - what will the children make of protesters outside their schools? Even mature, worldly kids would probably think their parent is being persecuted. It seems to me we would just be creating a couple more reactive, conservative kids... ones that happen to be well connected and wealthy, with the ability to

I feel like I’m one of the only people who loved the ending. It was a bit abrupt, but it was like... a crescendo of absurdism?

I agree with the person below that having an emotionally mature audience is huge. We had people whispering “....the fuck....” and audibly gasping. Arguably the best sequence in the movie (I mean.... *harrowing* like I don’t think I have ever watched anything that made me feel so, so much dread), the entire audience in

-_- i’m all about weed being less dangerous than cigarettes, but cmon with it not being harmful at all. There aren’t long term studies on it. As a dentist, the studies that *have* been done about weed and periodontal disease show a very similar reaction in your mouth as cigarettes- that is, decreased vascularity and

Dude, acai bowls are the shit, if you haven’t had one, you should try one. Yes, essentially just a fancy parfait, but its a *delicious* fancy parfait.

I always think of smoothie bowls as having more of the “good stuff” than parfaits or smoothies - heartier, whole ingredients. That doesn’t mean its nutritionally a ton different, but the textures and experience is a bit different. Same with buddha bowls - I think of the ratio if stuff to leafy greens to be higher.

No no no he’s the sexiest man alive, remember?

I have a sister that struggled for years to get pregnant and had several miscarriages. She eventually had a very sweet, healthy baby. The family was together a while back, and my recently married cousin was going on and on in front of my sister about how she never wants to be pregnant - that she wants to adopt or be a

Correct me if I’m wrong here, but aren’t most people who pull that “prank” like youngins that no one realistically wants to get pregnant? Or at the very least people that aren’t remotely ready for a child at all. I, at least, have not seen someone pretend to be pregnant on April fools since high school, and, yeah, no

Ok, a friend mentioned the MOH paying for the shower thing to me and it blew my mind. The friend in question is the maid of honor, a stay at home mom with 3 kids under 5 and her husband just left the military (ie - they have income), and her GD friend is asking her to pay for a party for her!?!