Doesn't that go against some kind of hippocratic oath? I know the HO is largely just "do no harm" but it has to say somewhere that physicians have an obligation to treat people in need..... right?
Doesn't that go against some kind of hippocratic oath? I know the HO is largely just "do no harm" but it has to say somewhere that physicians have an obligation to treat people in need..... right?
You should listen to the npr/ted talk podcast "the money paradox." One researcher talks about a study they did where they set two people down to play monopoly. They flipped a coin and one person was randomly given three times as much money, the little rolls royce token, and twice as many di (dice?) so they could move…
Yeah, I'm with you. I got hip surgery on my left hip and used mederma on the scars - they looks small and flat and kind of like bug bites. 6 months later I got surgery on my right hip and did not use mederma. They are still significantly bigger and have a lot more "bump" to them. Could be confirmation bias, but I…
I think it's possible to think its wrong and not condemn a culture. I am personally against it because of bodily autonomy reasons - like circumcision. Baby has no say in it, causing unnecessary pain, etc etc. That being said - I also recognize that baby will have zero memory of it, and the vast majority of people…
Two things:
1. Some "fancy gadgets" are necessary for people with injuries, etc. I have bad hips and knees that rotate anterolaterally, and if I don't have fancy-ass, up-to-date shoes I can really end up hurting. Yup, I buy new ones once/year since they wear out and thus are always trendy looking. Chuck taylors + me…
It told my SO that if the kids are getting his last name then I get to pick the first names. He said that was fair. He knows I have some family names that are important to me so I think thats why he agreed to that.... or maybe he didnt think it through!
Interesting point. I am a CA native living in TX. Generally the people who get mad at me for not eating meat are the conservative "country-folk" who are actually from a city. The actual country people I have noticed tend to have a more well-balanced view of life/death and are more respectful when it comes to dietary…
My school did it automatically, and it mostly looked fine on people, but then there were the occasional kids who had really bad acne, and they just got rid of it all. As someone who did not have bad acne, I always found that very strange, because the photos often didn't look like the person at all, and it had so…
Ooo oo I have a good one. When I was a kiddo my mom took my sister and me to a wedding. I don't remember exactly how old we were, maybe 5 and 6. The wedding was on a lake and all the kids were taking turns jumping off of the dock onto this little dingy. The dingy would move because of the momentum of the jump, and the…
Okay, honest question here so please don't get mad at me - it always kinda bugs me when people say that very few rape accusations are false - how do they come up with those numbers? Is it the number of accusations that are thrown out in court? The number of self reported false rape accusations? Is it just a…
Yeah, unfortunately, that's just not how it works. I've had convos with my boyfriend about him standing up to his friends when they say sexist things because they will listen to him but when I say them I'm a crazy feminist. It breaks my heart that it is so - I actually die a little inside each time I step back and let…
I'd say marriage is not the triumph of biology over common sense. More the triumph of societal norms over common sense. I'm pretty sure biology would not have us in monogamous relationships for life.
Guys, guys, guys. It's called irony. It has nothing to do with fat shaming. A bit of dark humor, if you will. "Wow, wouldn't it be ironic if the man who starved his daughter was fat." Yes, that is ironic. I think that was the only point. No where was it said like "I bet he was fat because only fat people would be too…
Throwing it out there... Dentists get essentially the same education as MD's
Eh, given that heart disease is the #1 killer in America, and obesity is one of the largest public health crises we've faced, I'd say being healthy is valuable. Some companies give monetary rewards for employees that are healthy. By that definition it is literally valuable. Yes, I know you can be healthy in multiple…
Here's the deal for me - I desperately want to stop calling my mom "mommy" and my dad "daddy" but its like... too late. It feels insanely awkward to call my mom "mom" when I never have before, and same with "dad." My sister feels the same way. We have instead adopted other names like Mama or Maja which feel *slightly*…
Being pedantic here, but technically, the divorce rate in the US has never been that high :) The highest its been is about 40% for black americans with a high school education. If you've gone to college no matter your race, the divorce rate is closer to 20%. I don't want to go into tons of detail, BUT, so you know!
Is she.... is she wearing a shirt that says "BAD JEW?" Is that like a thing I'm unaware of or is that a bad shirt....