
Thanks for clearing that up. The learning never stops.

If that means I have to friend the TSA on facebook, they are in for a surprise. I am actually picky when it comes to granting my affection.

They may follow me, though.

Reality 1: Fiction 0

If you give the @realDonaldTrump, you probably end up being denied entry on grounds that you are a psycho- and sociopath. That, and bad hair.

As long as they let them have any weapon they want, I think, discrimination is one of the lesser issues.

repost. Sorry, my dumb router is acting up.

What’s a good 4:20 4/20? Heck, what’s a 4:20 4/20?

Like Castaway but with boobs and without the beard.

she looks 13 in the photo. Was she trying to get into kindergarten? Also, she looks like one entitled brat that I sure as f... don’t want to meet. Ever.

Thanks, will check that out.

Dying in my sleep? Just switched off? No pain involved? Damn, I would not even try to make an effort to stay awake. What frightens me most about death is the pain. And, about suicide, the pain it could inflict on others and the mess it could make. But, as for the former, I have the feeling I am probably just kidding

I am still using Graffiti on Android. Only thing that bugs me about it is that I would rather use a stylus for it, a finger is still pretty inaccurate (albeit still around 19:1 correct).

Unless Apple shoots my MBA 11" (mid-2013) in the foot by disabling some of the programs I run on it, I fully intend to use it until it breaks apart, or an iPadPro mini running full OS X and sporting handwriting recognition becomes available.
I’d like for Transcend to make a Jet SSD expansion to 1GB for my model

about 2: would drinking green tea not be sufficient? It also contains some caffeine.

mankind was the first generally intelligent organism to evolve on this planet

so many assumptions...

“The only one” says the guy who pisses off everybody. That’s rich. Lemme count the comments in your support and those against... Wait, I don’t. There are none in support of you.

Shenanigans. At least in Germany there is a group of Fine Young Criminals who will gratefully debadge your luxury car for you because those badges are actually worth money to other people who want to upgrade their cars but can’t afford all the requisite hardware - except the badge, of course.

oh, you would be amazeballs to know that I lived in all those places for a while (did you? Where “while” is defined as “anything longer than enough to think you are entitled to have an opinion”?) and I can add Mexico, Portugal and Netherlands to that list. Let’s start with Portugal, since German generally believe they

As long as Android and Linux don’t offer a decent alternative to FinalCutPro and Logic Studio, I am stuck:-S