
Exactly The reason the Protrek has not been selling is that it’s priced out of the market by Casio. And what Victoria is totally missing is that, with the Apple Watch I can buy a watch that has LTE on it, AND an app ecosystem, AND 50 ATM waterproofness at (roughly) the same price. LTE, in this combination, is still

You might not be aware of this in the US, but there is a thing called carnival already. Actually, Halloween took a lot of inspiration from carnival.

oh, you are so bad. Must. Not. Laugh. My. Arse. Off.

Ummm, not entirely sure if I am interested in watching those particular nudie and sex shots. Actually, on second thought, I am sure. I’m not interested.


ok, my mind was not boggled. Had expected bigger things.

my thoughts exactly. Seems that moderation of chat threads was the first out of the door once Gawker had to sell out.

“I’d continue this battle of wits with you but I can see your unarmed” never heard that one before, very nice.

Have been using DuckDuckGo for about two years now, but in both quantity and quality of results it can’t hold a candle to Google.

Hey little brother, what have you done?

This honey badger would like to have a word...

“..., I’d like to see Phelps do this while wearing armor...” - you forgot the nude part

oK, I take back that arsehole moniker then;-) But still, as bycatch they were alive and well before being lifted out of their element, so who knows how much older even the oldest of them would have grown. It’s like calculating human life expectancy from a sample of traffic accident victims.

Does anybody keep in mind that all those sharks, even the oldest ones, lost their lives because they were checked for their age? That means, they could have continued living hadn’t some human arsehole decided they would serve science better.

“Oh my dear... I enjoyed that immensely!” - I actually enjoyed that quote immensely. One of the few lines of movies I was able to quote on my own. And she kills him right after that.

she is brilliant in 5th Element. Although that hardly required any acting. But she’s a bit like the Sylvester Stallone of female acting. All physical, not many words, but somehow intriguing. Without the gym stink and the dumbness.

nope. The Fossil Abacus was the dopest watch ever made. Way ahead of its time. As in WAAAAAAAYYYYY AHEAD.

“...You can also imagine these people as well-dressed pirates...” Is it oK if I imagine the person in the middle as a scantily-clad pirate, more in the tradition of Netflix’s Treasure Island? God she looks kewt!

looks pretty feline to me. Wild cat. Lynx baby.

BTW: whatever is normal in Siberia, a place where the piss most of times hits the ground with a thud rather than a woosh.

No mention of Frooch going to town on the ottoman? Pfffft.