U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.
U.S. Soccer is a bunch of hypocrites considering Tim Howard has been blurting out inappropriate things his entire career.
I believe 164 BCE was also the last time a Buffalo sports team was in the playoffs.
I saw him being interviewed, tonight, and I ain’t even mad, anymore. Imma just let him and Michael go off into the sunset on their high-note. Twas a beautiful thing.
Lochte’s affable, energetic, cute and dim. It should be obvious he’s just completing his transition to golden retriever.
At about 1:56 into the Affleck-Colbert clip above, Colbert actually jokes first about any fighting, mentioning they should “fight at the end of the show” and “bare-knuckle boxing.” Casey Affleck responds with a surprised but joke-y come back, “You wanna fight me?” It’s not an invitation, it’s a reaction to Colbert’s…
maybe that’ll be a stretch goal?
Yeah, that’s basically been my experience. I’m not ridiculously shallow and only actually care about half the stuff on that list, but there are guys I’m attracted to and guys I’m not attracted to, and that doesn’t magically change if I go on enough dates with them and try to have sex with them.
Back when I was single, obvs I was trying to get laid.
Are we actually going to start asking men to start questioning their preferences? Because from what I can tell, most of the pressure to do this is put on feminist-leaning women. So far, I’ve been told that it’s not reasonable for me to want a guy who has a job or a college degree or who doesn’t live with his parents,…
Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America
She'll be okay. It's all downhill from here.
Traffic on I-35 is raging, things are really strained on the 183 near the airport. We've got some major bulging northbound on 130 near exit 437. Meanwhile, it's just barely inching along on the Brett Favre Memorial Parkway.
"We are investigating what happened."
Wheelchair times tend to be faster than even the fastest runners. The world record is 1:18:25.
Idiots. Now they're definitely going to test you for steroids.
But it's clear that connectivity is the future of American stadiums, especially for football, where teams are desperate to recreate the superior aspects of the home-viewing experience.
I find American Football utterly boring and uninteresting, but I love reading these write ups that Drew makes. You do a good job at this Drew, you make Football actually sound fun and interesting.
Michael Phelps: Mooo-oo-oo-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah-haaaah!