
just remember, this is mostly a US site. Measurements are usually given in strange units and kids are already the size of elephant babies.

If they can feed any surplus right into the network, yup.

Reading is a difficult skill. I wrote “photovoltaic array”. I don’t see a battery in that.

Well, this is what happens when traditional energy companies meet new regenerative energy: they still don’t get the element of decentralization. When you centralize stuff, it blows up, when just one part is down, entire regions are out of electricity. In a distributed grid, nobody even cares when a photovoltaic array

I know who the daddy of the kid in the first photo is:-P

There are plenty of other forces at work that could make conditions for life very unfavo[u]rable.

Care to explain in lay terms? To my eyes looks like (s)he was landing, but then didn’t and I couldn’t see anything wrong during the whole procedure. So, why did the pilot abort?

Making more food for more people is just a temporary solution. The long time solution would be to simply keep it in our pants. But as long as our purported intelligence cannot cope with our hormones we will have to keep making more food.

I feel there is a lost opportunity with the flashlight. It can either be a charger or a flashlight, but not both at the same time, since the light part has to be screwed off to access the USB connections. I have been looking for such a decently strong light with a big battery and USB charging to use as a buffer (and

I feel there is a lost opportunity with the flashlight. It can either be a charger or a flashlight, but not both at

Those things are not really for the hiking crowd. More for car camping or boats, cabins, etc. They are heavy. The light version weighs twice as much (600 to 240 g, as much as my 5°C sleeping bag and air mattress combined) as my charger, at a comparable capacity (7800 to 6000 mAh), and the Lava charger has even a quite

With crowdfunding, you get the funding, plus lots of publicity thrown in for free. Also, you can save on market research since you will also have lots of feedback, starting with the fact that, if you don’t get the funding, maybe the market wasn’t there (yet).

Just some more substance. I was actually wrong. Deutsche Bahn does not regard 5 Minutes delay as still punctual, but even 5:59! Check Wiki. So, while lowering the bar for themselves considerably, Deutsche Bahn claims to be on time (aka less than 5:59 late) in 93.6% of all trains in 2015. Which various newspapers have

Backing up unsubstantiated claims with personal attack does not really make your argument any stronger. Or anything at all, actually.

Actually, I never had a problem with it, I like it very much. And wet too, of course. But then, I am from Europe...

“Deutsche Bahn, ... manages efficient travel throughout the country” umm, not so much. More like manages a whole clusterfuck of delays and bad service. They say, everything delayed for less than 5 minutes is not too late. Funny thing though, that they plan their connections in a way that does not account for those

voyeurism at its best. This is so disgusting. Watched part of the scenario with the supposed pedophile and it was mega-creepy. Not just the pedophile part, but imagining what people who watch this would do in similar, unstaged scenarios, where no pedophile is involved, just an older man (or woman) with a minor. How

Those are sturdy as heck. I weigh 90 kilos and have been using one of those (the version with the straight legs) as my primary office chair for about 2 years now. And it weighs next to nothing.

Those are sturdy as heck. I weigh 90 kilos and have been using one of those (the version with the straight legs) as

April 1st on Mayday?

was going to say exactly the same. Also, they could sell it at a discount. Still is a lot of money, but thus they mess up the market. I always wondered why that isn’t done with illegal drugs as well. But then I remembered that probably a lot of the political decision makers profit from elevated drug prices one way or

Now playing

“patrilineal” and “matrilineal” DNA in the Sasquatch? Wow, now I have to relearn all I know in Biology as well. I knew there was something fishy in my MSc. Or maybe he means human mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA from another ape species? Which would at least leave mitosis and meiosis untouched, but not give the