
was just going to post a comment about how much that would be in relevant metrics. Thanks for having my back;-)

Now playing

Killing Joke? Just a nice excuse to post this:

Kloppo needs a shave.

The left Shift-key on my MacBook 13" gave out a few years ago. Apple wanted me to put in a new keyboard for 250 euros, I went to an Apple-licensed shop, got a Shift-key from an old keyboard they had lying around, and swapped it, using a watchmaker’s screwdriver, in 5 minutes (and it took only so long because I was

The relative increase of the female suicides? Did anybody ever consider emancipation? Did anybody think they could get the advantages of being more involved in professional activities without any of the downsides of its competitiveness? Did anybody ever watch The Sorcerer’s Apprentice?

Ummm, I might not be so deeply versed in the history of Star Wars, but didn’t Lucas, like, write the whole shit? Or at least the first (couple of) movies? Then he would not need to have a theory about it, because he is God and can say and create anything he damn well pleases.

Actually, this is a nice contraction and a play on an existing word. I also thought it was wrong, but then I like it more than the old version. Li-on Lion, Li-ion...

“...which dates to exactly the same moment in time...” well, yeah, give and take a few million years....

Well, you can actually ride on folding bikes and you don’t have to lug them around.

fortunately, trains are big enough so I can take my folding bike with me for the last kms.

Hmm, by my estimate, the spoilers and stuff apply to max 5% of the population in the US. Still a lot less here in Europe.

yeah, they blow a lot.

for most people, a car is a tool to get from A to B. They couldn’t care less about all that visceral stuff. Get a Lotus Elise if your thing is sitting 10 cm above the asphalt (I loved riding on the Elise, btw, but that doesn’t mean I have to do that day-in-day-out). Drive around a race track. But leave society alone.

Apparently you have never traveled in the ICE, TGV, Thalys or Shinkansen. Unless your car can go a constant 150 km / h (I am talking end-to-end; even if you go an almost constant 160-170 on the autobahn, you still end up with an average of around 120-130 km/h most of the time) on the motorway, no breaks, those trains

Why sitting strapped in into a seat in a tiny tin on four wheels while I can stretch out on a train and walk around is beyond me, but to each their own.

Oh, great. So now I cannot even rightfully assume that the guy in front of me is a complete idiot, but have to live with the idea that it’s a machine that makes errors that I (as a programmer) might have programmed into it? Great! They walk amongst us.

You don’t just have to take my word for it, here is another review that just happened.

Real world testing: I have the older Nomad 7. Takes one day (11:00-18:00) on a Southeast-facing, slightly inclined (approx. 45 deg) rooftop in Portugal on a mostly sunny day to charge an Xtorm Lava 6000 mAh charger from 25%-75% full. All while the Lava (pictured)

a VR tour of the human body

Sorry, Darren, but the Spaghetti watches are only for the plebs, and the higher-priced ones are for those with more money than brains. There can be one watch to rule over most, but the price point is not 299. More like 150. That would be for a watch without, or just slow, internet connection, with a decent fashion