
And hell froze over: I thought I would never ever see “Mission Impossible” juxtaposed to the word “good”, but here it is, and in such proximity that I cannot shake the suspicion that somebody wants the twain of them connected. Excuse me while I turn around to vomit in my mouth a bit.

Why is it disingenuous? You can be part of a religion and not agree entirely with all it does. That’s what about 99.99% of all believers do.

Just juxtaposing two fun facts / lines from the article and your comment. Read and blush.

space dildo

would it suck less if you took the car?

Oh, and as to the nature of that “something”: That might just be your own inability to get off your behind. Which is also called laziness and dependency and a tendency to project those qualities onto other people to spread the blame.

quite to the contrary. On average, I have moved house 3 times a year, I have, on average, 3000 cycling kilometers per year, lived in about 10 different countries and so on. I think your “something” is not quite up to date with the possibilities of life and public transport.

sold my last car in 1995. Never looked back. Starting with “But I need a car” is the wrong way. Build your life so that you don’t need one.

yup. First of all: share what you don’t need on your own. I don’t need a bathroom or toilet just for myself, since I am likely not going to spend the entire day on it. Same for the kitchen. Then, if you have an apartment, in a nice location, that you can share, it will divide your rent by the amount of people sharing.

given the choice between headphones and a sailboat, I’ll keep saving for a sailboat, thank you;-)

Honey, if your only benchmark of how good the place you are living in is, would be your rent, be my guest and rent some bunker in the middle of nowhere for a grand or two. Me, I am perfectly content with my view over a nice bay with some sailboats, and the waves splashing on the beach below being the only noise that

If I were living in NYC, that is probably true.

thank god for that! So, does that mean I can listen with two headphones (aka me and my sweetheart)? And how am I going to explain to my landlord that I won’t be paying my rent for two months because I bought a new pair of headphones? Oh, make that four months, I still need an iPhone, too.

can’t we, like, make a few exceptions? Maybe based on certain haircuts?

How is that guy even allowed to speak into a microphone?

So, Uruguay is a true hipsters paradise? Legal weed and lots of alternative energy?

No list of the funniest movies of all times can be taken seriously if it doesn’t have Kentucky Fried Movie, Spanglish and American Pie 1 on it.

I never bought in on the iOS craze in the first place. You have to know what you want and by according to priorities, not according to public opinion. Sony’s Xperias fit my lifestyle way better (waterproofness goes a long way when I use them for navigation on my bike) and currently have a 128 GB µSD card in them. My

which is why Apple doesn’t have expandable storage in their phones, such as SD cards. Want more memory? Buy a new phone!

Exploitation at its finest. Kudos to Uber for understanding what makes capitalism great!