
yup, but the choir on every corner of the internet is they’re crap. Also, they don’t sell for anything greater or equal than 6,1 (which is the Mid-2013 MBA). As I said, it looks more like an Apple thing. The newer MBAs use a different bus and my suspicion, as said before, is Apple won’t yet allow third-party vendors

Unless Transcend manages to implement an SSD JetDrive for my late 2013 MacBook Air 11”, I don’t really care. Although I have the suspicion that the responsible entity here is not so much Transcend, but Apple and that they are riding their proprietary bus technology as long as possible, by keeping (much cheaper) third

Like, it’s cool if I can buy myself a new car, and I think it’s amazing for a week, but then the thrill is over, and I’m like, “Oh, so I guess that wasn’t really happiness.”

that explains it.

Especially those pedestrians wearing headphones. You can ring the bell all you want, shout until you’re blue in the face, but in the end, running them over is the only way to teach them how to participate in traffic. And don’t get me started about the cyclists who wear headphones...

Ummm, did I mention that I am leaving? As in: Tomorrow I will be heading to Schiphol.

damnit, I’ve been living near Delft for about a year, but never cycled over that bridge. And now I am leaving...

Sorry, no Darwin award if he walked away.

Sorry, but the next time I’ll get excited about books will be if Kindle books are as expensive or cheaper than physical books. Yes, those physical books that have to be made from paper, that comes from trees being cut down, are printed, transported, stocked etc., as opposed to just uploading an eBook to a server.

Sorry, but the next time I’ll get excited about books will be if Kindle books are as expensive or cheaper than

ok, is that a new truth? I thought it was obvious that procrastination is all about fear and putting too much pressure on yourself?

no more anchoring for that ship, I suppose.

damn. I was looking forward to that. Maybe they are working on IP8 certification? Here’s to hoping;-)

Well, yeah. What those people mostly forget is that the great majority of those photos needs not only just the press of a button, but being in the place where those things can happen, knowing what can trigger those behaviours / situations, and then having the patience to wait for it to happen. Pressing the button is

Contrary to how you make it sound, humanity has been pretty successful declaring war on the weather, if, by “weather” you mean climate. It’s just that the bullets travel a lot slower until they hit climate.

yup, it just about makes sense. It’s not a ready product, so let’s sell it anyway, and for three or four times the price that such a thing would realistically fetch if it were a finished product.

I don’t care much for Glass. Tried it on a couple of times (we had it lying around in the office at one of my last jobs), and it felt a little bit too much like a beta product, and the hardware didn’t get out of my way.

What’s with all those Groundhog Day variations? I have watched the first five so far, and three of them were about repeating stuff all over again until it went right. Was that a task to the filmmakers?

“...to anything that they personally don’t understand” - there, amended that for you;-)

Well, you know some claims are bogus when it mentions “low sexual drive in men”. This is something that is not supposed to exist, right? I mean, aren’t we the ones who always want to put our reproductive appendices in as many receptive orifices as possible? Wasn’t that the whole point?

I think this reddit discussion shows that co-op works. The problem just seems to be that REI has been deviating from that paradigm too much in the recent past and become more capitalist and growth-oriented than supportable in this scheme. Go back to quality over quantity, keep an open discussion, close the gap between