
Ummm, you might want to distinguish “fact” from “observation”. We, as human beings are, due to the limitation of our senses, not able to perceive the world as it is, but just through the few channels we have at our disposal. And through those channels, we observe. I might even argue that we are able to recognize

what’s so wrong about casual sex? Why are we even having this discussion?

Ha! The first harddrive I bought had 200 MB. And I killed it about a week after with a misdirected slap on my handrest (I was easily frustrated in those days - anything would go wrong, my computer or printer got beat up). I had thought I would never be able to fill that up anyway.

Not impressed. I see your few and raise you a shitload:-P I could probably float the entire market with rainbow stickers. Muahahaha.


I just saw the video splashscreen and “Kaboom”. I am not interested in the article, I just want her phone number. Pretty-please?

68k assembler, baby! And I sold qan.com for 10k USD (I think, something in the ballpark).

I went rogue. First from Eudora to Mailsmith, then to CyberDog (or was it the other way round?).

nor does it around your bootie, tits, clits, vaginas, noses, lips (the ones under the noses) and what other bodily organs you objectify yourselves with.

I think, a woman’s attention might be more directed to a non-flaccid penis. Just saying.

Thanks, that was a very good insight. I would still say lightweight is a good idea, but you opened my eyes a bit as to why the adoption has been slow for reasons other than political ones (traditionally, companies building trains are in cahoots with the heavy industries, and those will not profit if lightweight is

The first thing that needs to happen, and, frankly, I can’t understand why this hasn’t been done at all is that steel in the trains has to be replaced by lightweight, aka carbon fibre or aluminium.

can’t wait to see 3.0 for this product. Garmin should just kill 1.0 and 2.0 of every one of their products and start with bringing the 3.0 stuff to market.

“...a [Sumter] woman who says she went to church...” nice way to discredit her story by just conveying a simple fact;-)

I don’t want to be at the business end of whatever gets triggered when my gait is wrong.

Mission Implausible was dead to me after the helicopter chase in the channel tunnel.

Dear Panny, please fix the battery (I know you can do it, because the one on my DMC-TS4 lasts nigh forever), maybe add a few gigs of internal memory, fix video and then, pretty please, make it waterproof like the TS4, which is brilliant, and you can have my money. And I would feel ok to pay slightly sub-1000 for it.

“generating creative solutions to killing people” thank you for giving me that little bit to think about.

oh, I didn’t even dig for a spectacular landing. Just showing the topography and the abruptness of the landing strip is enough for me to admire the pilots’ balls of steel and mad skills.

I am till trying to make a link between “windstorm”, “code brown” and “shitstorm” and failing. Any suggestions?