
why is Vladimir Putin holding a glass of water in the photo?

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The island is Madeira and the city is Funchal, but, yes, it is basically like landing a 737 on an aircraft carrier.

Holy moly. I just landed there 2 hours ago, and all was peachy.

Inflatable stuff and bullets... Why do I have the feeling that that is not such a good idea?

That position in the photo looks particularly uncomfortable, a neck strain is clearly in the realm of possibilities and full lip contact very hard to make. But it looks sooooo romantic. Not.

How about the battle of Little Bighorn? Not as impressive by the numbers, but pretty disastrous nonetheless. It’s one thing to corral in 200 mostly disarmed Lakota, including women and children and infirm, at Wounded Knee and slaughter them, but when the warriors actually had something to work with, the outcome was a

yeah, I can imagine. Aligning 30 pins in the dark must be pretty tedious.

“Without looking” and in the dark. Now, why do I find that slightly arousing?

“If you have drone—and I think I can stay this with some certainty—stay the fuck away from wildfires.” Alissa, you might want to watch your language.
The first “stay” should actually read “say”, if I am not completely mistaken;-)

I woulda thunk Resident Evil should figure on this list?

But but butttt: Blade Trinity has Jessica Biel!

Damnit, I knew I had it all wrong! Here it comes now, second attempt:

a bar?

Why is it feminism when the icons just have the same size?

What’s with the soldier?

is that Rihanna?

Now, that’s what I’m talking about!

Now, what would be really cool, if the toilet were just a hole in the ground.... of the pod...

Continuing the Huffpostization of Gizmodo, another article promising hard and important facts and providing nothing but glorified common sense. Saying “I knew that” sounds distinctly lame, but: I knew that.

Pretty surprised that WA and OR are so low...