
Am I old for knowing the answer to the question right away? Gee, I was so proud when I bought an external floppy to my Atari 1040 STF and was actually able to use TWO floppy drives. Then later, with a 20 MB harddisk included in the setup, and a couple of RAM disks on my desktop, I went wild with drive number

Are the sport functions on par with a Fenix 3, or does it eschew them in favour of the GPS stuff?

I thought, underpants would be better suited for measuring my fart rate.

The title had me perplexed for a while. I thought that you were talking about the same phone and that it somehow evolved into a butterfly after its ugly caterpillar stage. Everything is clear to me now, but it took some heavy mental lifting.

wow, that’s quite a zebra. Actually, it looks like a zebra/camel to me, what with the two bumps.

So, what you are saying is basically, we shouldn’t eat globally because farms are not growing stuff for the local market? That is putting the carriage before the horse.
One key element of looking for local first is the insane amount of energy that goes into shipping foodstuff around the world, plus the other resources

I am pretty sure a lot of people would point and laugh at Iron Man if they met him in the street. Maybe not if he had his superpowers, but if he just looked like Iron Man, he would be the laughing stock.

mine (Xperia Z1 compact) has LTE, but I am in Europe...

All Xperia Z’s have µSDXC slots + are water- and dustproof to IP68.

I sweat like a pig, so, when I am out cycling with my GorePro jackets (The North Face’s PointFive) I am pretty quickly clammy inside the membrane. It does a better job than Jack Wolfskin’s own membranes for example but, still, dry after exertion is mostly a pipe dream currently.

passwords, cloud? Are you kidding me?

waiting for this to appear on Kinja with a 50% off sticker.


“There are videos of people boning whilst skydiving” - and you expect me to believe that? Link, or it didn’t happen.

bad photoshop? If Jesus had seen this...

Point made. That exactly. When humans become accessories to their electronic accessories, things are going the wrong way. Or maybe they are going the right way. For Skynet. Evolution doesn’t care which species ends up on top.

I find Secretariat a somewhat blah name. If horses were meant to remind us of public service landmarks, we might as well call one Public Restroom.

yeah, some go straight for the jocular