
bullshit. Projecting your own (perceived) inability onto others does not make it a general principle. It is very much possible to learn other languages as an adult to a point where you can faithfully reproduce sounds and rhythm of that new language, you just have to stop blocking yourself, and start to admit the

photo is of the 64 GB version, just saying...

actually, I would go so far as to venture that the rests of hay serve as a substrate for the bacteria to digest and produce whatever gas makes the holes. Win-win.

I can understand this article was urgent. But could you maybe proofread it and correct the errors, it is really hard to read.

Rand Paul has 200k+ followers on Google+? That makes just about every single Google+ member, except me.

well, that is what you read out of it. But, really, there is no indication that it is indeed like you interpreted it. Also, it got tagged a lot more things that were less loaded than “Monochrome” and “blackandwhite” in this context, so the choice of those two words as as right positives is at least questionable.

oh, two times fuck in one sentence. This must speak the truth.


oh, and actually, the image is a b&w, so, where is the problem tagging it “blackandwhite”? Just because it actually depicts a black guy? Thank god that ML gives a damn about PC. And every human being is also an animal (and, biologically, a close relative of apes, so it’s a near miss) regardless of skin colour. ML is

Just put a human being to analyze the same pictures Flickr’s ML algorithm does, and he/she will do a lot more embarrassing errors. Check the overall blunder frequency for ML and I’d bet it is already on par if not better than that of an average human. I fail on 25% of all Captcha tests, and I’d like to think of myself

Sorry buddy, you should have read the article and watched the movie. They actually put on pink tutus and danced the nutcracker-suite. You missed it. Now it’s gone. Your loss.

That would be all for now. I will take my medicine. And I will behave.

“what exactly makes a given piece of wood qualify as either hard or soft” - I’ll just quote this entirely out of context and leave it to germinate...

that, precisely. Thanks, now I don’t have to remember the name. Escapes me all the time.

Sure, as with every syndrome you will have false positives. But don’t forget about the false negatives: people on the autism spectrum who have learned to act normal over the years, often to their own emotional detriment, but to please the neurotypical masses. So, the false positives most probably don’t say sh.. about

it is called leadership (the blaming of stuff that is your responsibility on somebody else) and those who do it best get promoted. Read Dilbert;-)

yours is actually a very awesome post. Congrats.

People actually read this crap?

now I am confused: wasn’t that, like, the whole point of the app?

Mondrian and Fibonacci in one object that tells time. Nerd-gasm.