
bah, I don’t care about communication and stuff. When can I beam up?

It was the weed. And...

“...consumerism, but this ain’t it” - so you say. If you want to get hung up on toilet paper, that is indeed not necessarily blatantly obvious consumerism, but stay with me: First, this is just a pilot, the magic wand already does something else. I also wonder, how cost efficient it is? Having somebody drive over a

+1 for thinking the same as me:-D

well, then there are definitely a lot of wrong buttons to press.

Oh, thank you amazon, now I can serve the purpose of my life -to buy and buy and buy your stuff until I’m green in the face- with even less effort. Minimizing the time and decisions we need to make for a purchase maximizes the time we can spend earning the money to buy your warez. Fun fact: A house full of stuff does

I was actually most convinced that The Killers were HiFi. Oh: and I listened to it via the speakers of my MBA 11”. I call bullshit. I am a musician, but I wasn’t sure with any one song.

even if all you can muster in a moment of distress sounds like a Chihuahua?

Wow, the uterus has been working out. Although the abs could have been painted on...

"... it ... has made people shoot themselves. This ... will ruin you." For a moment there I thought it was about Taylor Swift's music.

Having an inherently faulty cybernetic system conduct a one-ton-plus vehicle is just a disaster waiting to happen. The freedom to drive a car is actually just the freedom to kill somebody else.


10? for me it was 15 (to Europe)

It would be a whole sight more interesting, if some company with know-how in rugged watches (Casio, Suunto) entered the market and, to top it off, put full Android on a smartwatch.

wow, one of the fastest growing nudist communities, all 1400 of them! That would be a nudist community in a smaller German (or Scandinavian) village. If they were prudish.

part of pop culture. But my thoughts exactly when I first saw it.

Felicity Jones is the new Princess Leia.

This is what happens if we get a peaceful and equilibrated (part of) society.

well, the screenshot would have lacked the logo and other stuff