
oh, and please excuse the "play" button in the picture. It's just a screenshot of Plan V's kickstarter page. Nothing plays if you click it. Sorry, but I was not willing to spend hours of photoshopping it away...

"kill people the socially acceptable way" - I think that would be either to let them smoke 25 packs of cigarettes a day, eat all the hamburgers they want (but no less than 20) per day, or fill them up with 10 liters of their softdrink of choice per day.

The Plan V looks way better, is much smaller and costs a fraction of this atrocity. Plus their communication about the project so far has been first-rate. The cube looks a bit like a rip-off from some obscure Chinese manufacturer who is looking at the cloud for money and publicity. Sure, the cube has more

Has anybody ever wondered, if security agencies whining about how they can't break some encryption are maybe just pretending, trying to make people feel assured they are not being supervised while in reality, the methods they are marking as impenetrable, are an open book to them. And vice versa.

Is the USB-C connector magnetic? The magnetism was something I rather liked. I didn't like the proprietary aspect of it.

What do I care? The photo looks nice, I am not gullible enough to believe everything and, on top of it all: How does it affect me, my life, my friends and family and the spinning of the planet in general, if the photo were a fake?

damn, you ruined my punch line

yeah, fighting can be rather tiresome. Especially when it goes over 30 years. Wise decision.

imho most not-disabled people live long lives without ever knowing how to have good sex.

I think you have a project for the next 30 years then.

Thank you.

I have the Sony SBH-80, which you can see in my post above, and I wear them all the time running and cycling. Never had a slip so far.

Oh, look, somebody done copied my Sony SBH-80s... Just I think the SBH-80 looks waaay better.

And this, dear kids, is what happens if an average stupid person is made to believe by media that he is a God and manages to keep his rudimentary skills of self-criticism nicely in check thanks to limitless supply of mind-dumbing drugs.

you forgot the closing bracket. There you go: ]

I have a feeling there is more to the h than a mere orthographical slip-up because they both used it, and in different incarnations of the word.

blue and gold

But...but... - in the spirit of ultralight, it would be so great, if it could also sub as my bike light and be usable on night dives. Come on, that's really a small thing to ask;-) Actually, it is really just a small step from V1.0. I'll be waiting with bated breath for V2.0. If my two killer features are promised to

Have to download an archive of celebsnsfw then:-P Although I find the buzz around JLaw's pics a bit exaggerated. She is nice, but not member of the cast for my wet dreams...

what size does Shaq wear? Is the flashlight part strong and focusable enough to be used as a bike light? Not necessarily to see 2 kilometers ahead, but to avoid running into trees and be seen by most visually challenged car drivers.
If the flashlight was focusable and waterproof (in the closed incarnation, i.e. the one