
look at how challenged most people are in two dimensions (cars). Wouldn't want that to be anywhere near, over or under me in three dimensions.

1000 quid for a pill? Now, that is entering a completely new dimension if you drop one...

absolutely hilarious.

Well, for once, religions could try to feed willing souls their wonders in 3D. Which will still be makebelieve, but so much more make than believe that, maybe, sometimes, it could actually be considered, almost real.

she looks like Edelmann might have a case of the minors on his hands if she would care to sue...

IP57 does not mean fully waterproof. This watch won't survive one hour in the pool, let alone windsurfing, diving or open water swim.

Thanks for supporting my point: The operative word is "most". Most of the watches have most of the things I am looking for. None has all. And full, real waterproofness is not negotiable. I don't want a different watch for when I am swimming, another for when I am windsurfing, diving, cycling or at work. One to rule

as long as the smartwatch people do not take note on what I want, I am not buying it. I want standalone, 3G, UMTS, heck, LTE. Put a µSD slot in, waterproof (not this IP whatever bullshit, but at least until 30 m), and then the full array of sensors, GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth. Standard armbands. Galaxy Gear S form factor

Michael Fassbender: no.

That is a whole-body-lube thing, right? For a lot of bodies? Like, blue whale's bodies? Lots of blue whales? RIGGGHHHTTTT???

But but but: BOOOBiieeeS! (Elves with boobies)

more than just a passing reference to Resident Evil...

What does that have to do with the price of milk in China? The article is indeed riddled with all kinds of errors that a cursory proofread could have killed. Visiting this website is sort of the logical requirement to being able to spot the errors, so, what you are writing makes no sense at all, you just wanted to

Roger Federer?

no, it isn't. In the latter version, uncle is a generic term and jack a verb. Please don't make me explain the joke to you...

no, it isn't. The spelling for the second version is entirely correct since jack has become a verb and uncle a generic term.

Michael Fassbender? Rlly? That's like Albert Einstein casting for Hulk...

thanks for that (I mean it, not being cynical;-) )

Those things are called accretion disks and are actually the early stage of development of a solar system. Optically, they look like rings around a planet, but functionally they are one step up. Whereas the rings around a planet will also eventually lump together, all they will create are moons. Accretion disks become