
oK, how long until we get a working pen that relies on gyroscopic / accelerator data? Lernstift/Vibewrite fucked up their kickstarter/seedmatch offering and has filed for chapter 11 protection in Germany (the question in their case being: did they ever intend on bringing a product to the masses or did they reckon

I'd say this is a bit of a self-fulfilling statistic, because those passwords are the ones most likely to be stolen, at least by brute-force attacks.

"Despite some caveats ..., it [Zipf's Law] s a remarkably consistent and accurate law". Umm, no. It works to some extent with today's Germany population, Portugal and Japan (I tried only down to 3rd place), but then you have countries out in the boondocks, such as

"We've all looked out at the night sky and wondered at how much the stars look like strings of cities." Ummm, well, now that you mention it: no.

you don't.

Well, this is what you get if you spend more money on weapons than on education.

Needs pass-through sound option as I would like to use it as a bluetooth headset on my bike. And I need to hear the traffic on my bike. And, while I am on the topic of improvements: µSD, please. I know, it's one slot more through which water can enter, but the Xperias have it too, so stop whining, Sony, I know you can

thank you. I have my bright moments.

yes, that it is (the tale, old and sad). Humans don't quite yet realize that, having ecological (and genetical) versatility is not a luxury. Animal protection usually seeks financial support along the lines of "look, this is such a cute animal" (replace "cute" by any other anthropomorphic attribute of choice). Little

PG, as in Parental Guidance?

my bad. Reading can sometimes be a challenge;-) Anyway, if there are about 100 individuals today, 28 years ago there will have been a lot less, probably even less than 28, so the direction of my message does not change.

I wouldn't call 28 individuals a conservation success story. Only time will tell if the genetic variety is enough and the number of negative mutations few enough for the species to ride out the waves of evolution.

According to my brother-in-law, who is a psychiatrist and neurologist, on the hypochondriacal end of the spectrum:-D
But, really sometimes, taking people literally just lures them out of their depth;-) However "compensated aspie" is what I would be going for (not in the financial sense).

some of the guys did not hit the toilet...

so, you're nasty? You can have them, because, as I pointed out, to me the thought is equal parts meh and "needs to go to washing".

The cringe-worthy part of the movie is the meta-level rather than what is shown imho. People requiring complete surrender in a relationship while themselves unwilling to even yield one millimeter of their own are very hard to bear already. Add to that the complete annihilation of individuality that usually is implied

yeah, I think it's part of a worldwide conspiracy to make everyone go vegetarian

not really. Calling her meh is not very nasty. Unless you have very strong feelings about used panties. I mean, compare that to all the names she's been called. I actually think she is doing a good job considering the talent that she has, or her looks; and the material that she's playing (or supposedly writing

yet I was especially proud of the second part.

nice. However, Giz posted that already a couple of years back. Which, of course is just historical and does not take away from the beauty of this video;-)