
"around for 7,000 thousand years"? More like 7 thousand years, or 7,000 years, just saying....

I find her pretty meh. So I guess that makes me in between. And the music is even more meh. Bland, nondescript, generic.

I wouldn't call that a plan, rather a business model.

I am doing tours on my cyclocross-bike with a rucksack and bought the Nordisk Telemark 2 Ultra last fall. It is sort of freestanding, but greatly profits from careful staking. 880 g for the ultra version is a relief to have on the back, even compared to the Easton Kilo I had before and the Telemark has what I like to

Yeah, also thought about it being a somewhat stupid question, but I can take being thought stupid;-)

that sounds like a good idea! My goal is to have a versatile stick, that I can take with me, run it on somebody else'e hardware (aka screen) in the office, but also instead of a vm on my MacBook, since I don't want to keep multiple environments. And I just about had it with Parallel's brazen updating technology which

Any chance I can plug this into my Macbook and play Windows in a dedicated window as well?

I almost had to watch the entire video in stop motion to make sure it was Zooey Deschanel. Amazing what women can do with make-up. Does she also sing the song? It sounds like her voice...

they seem to be a lot lighter, though. 3.5 lbs is quite heavy. My NeoAir weighs in around 300g and I currently have a NorthFace Gold Kazoo, which is not the lightest sleeping bag, nor the warmest, but my whole setup comes to a bit North of 1 kg, usable until -5°C without additional equipment. And that still has the

In 7: What about the Jeffries tubes?

What about the therm-a-rest systems, like the Antares?

consider yourself lucky. Customer service here in Europe is shite. They seriously hold you responsible for not winding up the cable correctly, which is their do-all-end-all argument when the cable gets frayed where it meets the AC adapter; and when in another shop two weeks later I hinted at the fact that my current

especially not since MagSafe is a real cash cow and consumer rip-off. It's great tech, just the proprietary approach is shite. And while I am whining: Apple seriously needs to fix the quality of the cables of their AC bricklets.

Give the man a Pulitzer already for the introduction!

great, thermal nudies. Just what the doctor ordered.

fuck The Cloud

Kudos for the admission. I wouldn't say idiot, but "less impulsive " would be enough to keep you out of harm's way;-)

I see you like shoes with heels, Sean.

I am counting 3 USB outlets, so is one of the USBs used to charge the connected laptop? :-O

with proper amplification it will also work at those ranges. Human cerebral electric signals, for example, are quite walk, nevertheless we can make them visible in EEGs and a host of other techniques. It's just a question if building en NMR around an NFC device would be a sufficiently stealthy surveillance technique...