
Not forgetting it. Call it denial. When I was starting with weight conditioning back in the day, my brother actually said that I looked like I could use a bra. Which of course was a bit exaggerated brotherly taunting but still...

Is that John Adams, former supreme being of the United States of America?

While all this looks very nice, just one word of caution about these wonderful wireless things: Once the stuff is up in the air, it is there for everybody having a receiver strong enough to read it. With a cable, that is a bit more difficult (I imagine there might be an inductive field around the cable that, if

Great idea. However, it looks like it might be actually prone to breaking off.

How is this Beyoncé photo different from others?

which is the reason why they have you sign a waiver before going into surgery.

Thanks for the account of the mastectomy. It will probably give me nightmares for a few days to come. And that while I don't even have breastesses.

"Swearproof" is a f@*&%ing important feature, with all those bloody wankers and a$#holes who like nothing more than to j*#k off at the f$&%@ing sound of their own bloody expletives.

The cover of the 50-foot woman is clearly opening new perspectives.

So far, the only Kickstarter project I have founded even exceeded my expectations. Great feedback, excellent customer service and the only qualm I had with the finished product was that it was bigger than I had expected, which could have been remedied easily if I had checked the measurements to start with. But now I

obviously you didn't read the specs after the link: The armband is standard, it will fit most watches, and they are also making strides to be able to customise the living bejeezus out of it. Of course, paper is very patient and never believe the promises of a kickstarter campaign without a reality check, but basing an

This looks a lot better.

I envy your diplomatic touch. I would have put it much blunter.

Umm, no luck here

well, the legal and financial advantages of the union are clearly offset by the legal and financial clusterfuck that is a divorce.

101 internets to you.

ummmm, please, somebody remind me: what were the advantages of a marriage beyond regular sex (and thus saving the energy needed to constantly sample the gene pool)?

'tis those days before Christmas, the very epitomy of weirdness. You are excused.

Well, the reference to church and the reactions it apparently provokes by people taking it too literally reminds me in its absurdity of how Christians still jump to appropriate Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" for themselves, just because they don't get the critical and sexual references in the song and just hearing one

that's what was implied