
maybe that was the intention of the author?

oh, well, you know, up until recently the US were trying to beat their enemies over the heads with those floppy foam sticks and tickle them until they surrendered. The killing is just coincidental.

no breeding on my site either, but not due to genetical considerations. I simply do not have it in me to sacrifice anything in my current life for something that I only momentarily derive pleasure from.

This all starting from the premise that Autism (and especially its milder forms, such as Asperger's) are something that is in need of a cure.

well, Orkut is even deader than Google Plus, so that would explain why they had to dump him somewhere

1 internet to you, dear person

did I miss the part where gene therapy is already a thing?

I think the ocean is well enough equipped to handle our shit. The bigger problem is The Big Pacific Garbage Patch and stuff we dump in the atmosphere (aka CO2, CH4 and all the other greenhouse gasses / chemical pollution). Our organic waste is literally just a drop in the ocean.

well, at least give them kudos for trying. That said, it is obvious that Hilfiger does not really get not only what "wearable tech" means, but also that sustainability is way beyond people buying everything that has an "eco" seal on it and swallow the awkwardness that comes as a side-dish for a clean conscience.

So, they reinvented the LED display. 8 bits = 1 byte.

Wake me up when I can buy it. I also have just one shirt. Actually, two, but one is on its way out. Or maybe not.


yeah, it's slightly inane. But then, NK is. Politics is. Politics is not just the continuation of war by other means, but also the continuation (or perpetuation) of inanity by other means.

bad attitude I already have. The coffee is a problem. The last (and first) time I tried out a cup of coffee I spent half an hour on the loo. Not recommended.

Shouldn't the " be around the "diplomats"?

that's what he was trying to point out, I guess. Or are you just promoting your nickname?

Whatever that lady has, I'll take ten.

and here I though NK couldn't hack their way into a Casio G-Shock...

Bigger than those?

lots of water. And lots of wine.

never knew Gizmodo was a subscription-website. In all theses years, apparently I have gone by without paying a buck. Maybe I will be called to the principal next Monday.