
I am quite convinced that the playoff game against the Seahawks ruined him for now. First of all, he was not pulled early enough by the coaches. Maybe he said "I'll play through it", but I did not have the impression that there was anything he wanted to prove. I actually had the feeling that somebody wanted to ruin

just for completeness' sake:

Just about bloody time, this was so blatantly obvious, every day that passed without somebody actually building it was a further insult to the human race. Now, if somebody could put a similar adapter into an EyeFi-card, my faith in humanity would be almost restored. Although at least the EyeFi thing has definitely

"Saar-key" is very far from the real pronunciation. If you want an approximation in English writing, it is more like "Saar-chye" or "Saar-tye".


who is Taylor Swift?

"Hallo, I am yogibimbi and would like to pop your bubbles".

Some ideas are so obvious that you facepalm yourself when you realize somebody else put them into action. Not.

The master of ennui. Although I find this song / video a bit too much ennui.

yeah, I was also thinking that this boat might be a little bit too high-tech for Sydney-Hobart when it gets nasty.

yeah, I discovered that just now, thanks to your heads-up. More dang, then.

dang. In the Netherlands they only have a 2013s movie called The Following with Kevin Bacon (of all people).

every word in the entire German language is about taking something great and stripping it of anything remotely joyful. It's what Tschermans do.


a woman bot, please. With all the bells and whistles.

in the picture on the cliff there are even 4, although distributed in pairs

Something??? Don't let Jezebel catch you with that objectifying expression, unless you have a spare dick in your pants.

Son, do you read the bible? Does John 8:7 hold any meaning for you? But I guess you are just happy that for once you think somebody else is wearing the neon sign.

well, that is surely something different. If you run into a person who you simply don't know how old he or she is, it is not premeditated.
Yet, hanging around outside of a high school, it sort of raises the probability that the scales will tip at < 18 (or 16).
Setting an age limit is more than arbitrary. There are