
ummm, sorry, but my eyes are keener when there are beautiful women involved, which does not happen all that often on high schools. Maybe it is because I very rarely drive past an emptying high school (office hours might have something to do with that) to begin with, maybe it is because I find all those Avril Lavigne,

The watch in the photo is that an Apple Watch, or a cheap Chinese knockoff? It looks very cheap.


One hint for LG concerning the usability of the bezel: make it movable and change the markings to degrees, than it will make a lot more sense if paired with the internal compass.


I wonder how thick all the other 0.7 mm bezels are...

dropped devices is a business model. The device gets destroyed thanks to no fault of the company who built it, and a new device is likely to be required. Similar to Apple's reluctance to integrate removable memory in their phones, albeit not so blatantly obvious aimed at shortening product cycles.

it was a rethoric question. But I am sure you knew that. So I am just regurgitating the obvious.


NAKED PEOPLE!! (there, I didn't say "boobs" - well, I said "boobs" it only hyphenated)

Well, yeah, that Spanish nurse contracting it while caring for a dying missonary in a Spanish hospital? She (supposedly) had all the protective clothing and procedures.
Then, I suppose you have heard of mutation, right? If a virus cannot be airborne today, it certainly does not mean that it can't become airborne tomorro

Well, yeah, that Spanish nurse contracting it while caring for a dying missonary in a Spanish hospital? She (supposedly) had all the protective clothing and procedures. Then, I suppose you have heard of mutation, right? If a virus cannot be airborne today, it certainly does not mean that it can't become airborne tomorr

A nation of crooks, united in crime.

Jamie, way to go to write a demagogic header. Immediately I thought that solar was toxic, maybe making the birds fall out of the sky or the fishes out of the trees. Instead they are just financially worse. And only because: China.

Ashley, ever thought of seeking professional help?

For me the iPad would be useful if it had SDXC storage, stylus input and provided all Pro applications (like Logic and FinalCut) and a Pro UI (menus and windows, real multitasking). In the 7" version. Until then, I hope for Ubuntu on Android and keep beating my MBA 11" until it breaks.

much too expensive for a fitness band, too little features for a smartwatch. This is a "me too" product, trying to cash in on the brand recognition and the product category without breaking a sweat.

ok, thanks for the snapchat reference. I actually know what it is and does, but have never used it, so I was actually at a loss there. And that it was hacked I knew as well, unfortunately I could not find the stash:-P

update envy much?

the leaders of One Harbor Church