
I am impervious, I am bulletproof!

not getting it:-S

My Z1 compact is great. A bit big still but I got used to it. The Z Ultra though is also a very nice tablet.

Sony still seems to think "we're Sony we don't need to advertise". And when they do, it comes across as slightly arrogant and annoying.

Best Jezebel article evva!

Hi Leslie. Just calling in to say excellent writeup. That would be all. Aloha.

If the entire intelligence of the lock resides on the inside, how will I know that it is locked when I operate it from the outside? When I am close enough to try it out with the key, it is already unlocked, because I will be in bt range. And since there is no LED outside (or is there), I would have to trust in my

when will it be available in Europe? Via amazon?

It could not be confirmed at press time whether Schultz and Hood's respective mothers were embarrassed that their sons were opportunistic pieces of human garbage who profit from the fears of others and contribute nothing of value to society.

I expanded and zoomed, but there were no boobies in the detail either. I am disappoint.

that, precisely.

Already thought that smartwatches were the application for handwritten stuff, but since Access has thrown Graffiti to the wolves, the only party in town has been turned into a graveyard

And here I thought MS Paint was dead...

And here come the guys in the garbage bags...

so, you caught a glimpse of the Z3 at IFA? Well, guess what? I caught a glimpse of the Z3 in its even more elusive compact reincarnation just this Tuesday, and it was in the hands of a colleague. Of course, I live in Europe;-)

well, as long as there is no uplink to my home automation data, they can try to collect all they want, they will not be getting it. So, keeping the internet connection and the cloud away from home automation is tantamount.

Well, the cloud is the cloud, and everybody should make their own decision on how to use it. For me the security concerns are pretty much like facebook: I only put there what I do not mind to share with the hole world watching because, security measures notwithstanding, ultimately everything can be hacked, and there

True story: Recently, when I flew from Frankfurt to Amsterdam, I forgot to put my Victorinox Cybertool in my checked luggage and only realized that when standing in line for the scanning and feeling the knife in my pocket. I still had one hour and a half, so I ran around the airport, trying to get rid of it in a way

why does the card say "Kiss Betty Jones"???