
you see that bright spot, 1500 km northwest of Nowosibirsk? That's Yurij.

ok, E. Coli is not a virus.

well, the shark was, essentially, defenseless, just a piece of bait.

lacking some Britney Spears

hummmm, well, not beautiful. Interesting, maybe, but not beautiful.

yeah, I mean, the question about that damn thing is not "when does it get bluetooth" but, rather, "why the bloody hell didn't it come with bluetooth right from the start?"

one little stone, one little pice of gravel is all it takes...

get in line. Also, throwing in a micro-SD slot in one of the earbuds would be appreciated. And don't be modest: the current waterproof rating or more, please (I routinely dive down to 2 m in swimming practise during anaerobic exercises - wouldn't want my headset to go blubb after that). A friend of mine has been using

"which could lead to serious ramifications if the officer in charge doesn't have sufficient training" or is a sadistic nazi arsehole

Chris, maybe that comes down to the sports we are athletes in: I am a swimmer and also push some weights to condition my ligaments and windsurf, so I need more room in the shoulders and chest, and less around the hips and belly. You look more the runner type, a bit trimmer in the shoulders.

I have the hooded version and it is, indeed, warm. The 850 cuin down was almost toasty when I first wore it outside (at around 5°C) and with the hood up, I was usually sweating after 5 minutes of leisurely walking.

you missed my point by a mile. I just wanted to point out very discretely, that the person in the photo is nowhere near 5 years imho.

just do not speed anywhere.

I insist they do photos as well.

So, what would happen in a war, if gas pipelines in a populated area were targeted by enemy bombers? One hit, gigantic effect?

how much longer to warp technology?

although it looks almost big enough

They sure look interesting, although not quite there yet. approx 12.5 kg (they could widen their market considerably just by using metric units) for the Fit is still way beyond what I find acceptable. I also would need a cyclocross or race bike frame. But the promising thing is that, apart from their frame, they seem

so, do they also have a model that looks remotely oK?

Tern Verge X10 folding bike.