
FixIt Sticks, replaceable edition. Hands down the most useful cycling (or anything else) tool I ever owned. Now that I have them, I wish they were lighter (a titanium edition is on the horizon, it seems), had two-sided bits, but that are only suggestions to make a great thing better still. If you own a bike, you need

Victorinox CyberTool. The one in the image has a light and a magnifying glass over the one that I have. But from the screwdriver with replaceable two-ended bits, to the ball-point pen, toothpick, the tweezers, the knives (of course), can opener, scissors. I use it at least 10 times a day, and it doesn't leave my side

so you say.

not fooled

I did not fall for it. 9 of hearts all the way. He did not guess that.

The German part: seconded. Germany are the world champions in distrust of, and control over, the populace. The whole NSA clusterfuck for them is just a welcome diversion from their own shenanigans.

I won't argue. It simply is a stupid thing, no contest. And the infinite did not refer to the danger, but to the stupidity. In other words, you cannot get more stewpitter than running with the bulls, so every added stupidity gets cancelled out.

a 5-year old girl with painted nails? The world is ending!

I will try to draw on a comparison with basic single calculus. From a certain point of view, if you take stuff to the limits, adding to it does not increase it anymore. Like adding infinity to infinity, it still stays infinity.

Oh, that means I get to grope and fondle myself now? Great, I can do that.

Maybe it's because British supermarkets look like this:

Ummm, pray tell, what is more stewpitt (stewpitt) than voluntarily getting in front of something weighing roughly the same as a small car, going at about the same speed, in what is more or less a narrow, crowded pedestrian mall, with pointy things in front, a really shitty temper and hell-bent to kick, poke and

Missing Rugby in there. It's at least as tough as Football, but the miles should be closer to football, if you know, what I mean.

"Flopping" as in fish, yes, they are. Unlike fish, however, they usually do not die when the flopping subsides.

Playing as in faking? Sure enough, I've faked many a half marathon.

Aloha Ashley, seems like you have poked into a hornet's nest. Turns out, there is not only the UK where eggs are not refrigerated, but one strange place which is called "rest of the world".
I have never ever seen eggs sold refrigerated, but maybe I wasn't looking for them. And maybe, when being in the US, staying in

beware, Jez is body-snarking

sleep masks never stay on. Use a bandana. Cheaper and more useful as well.

just about bloody time. Now that we have that out of the way, what about jet packs for the masses?