
Umm, well, somebody might have pointed that out already, but I am not going to read all comments just to research this: Women's sports are usually a lot less competitive. How many soccer leagues for women are there, how many teams, how many players? How hard is it to get to the top, to stay there? Durability in

Been tri-modal for more than 20 years (walking, bike, public transport) and can only confirm that the protection and respect awarded to cyclists has improved mostly homeopathically, if at all. I applaud this article.

"They tend to stay on sidewalks" - there, you said it. Pedestrians and cars have their own, mostly well-defined spaces. Cyclists, on the other side, still have not, even if there are bike lanes, which are occupied by pedestrians on a whim, or mothers with prams, and, to drivers, just offer a convenient opportunity to

wouldn't that be a boon for general anesthesia?

"...Android Wear is already capable of doing more than any other smartwatch out there" ummm, can it make calls, like the Omate or Neptune Pine? Hyperbole coming back to bite you in the a..

I prefer "survival of the luckiest" over "survival of the fittest". The question is mostly not, how good do you have to be (even "good" in the sense of adapted) to survive but, how much can you get away with? Most bacteria can synthesize more amino acids for themselves than human beings (usually 20/20, while humans

so, how much does it weigh? I only found "super-light" on their site which, considering their reluctance to put real numbers out there, lights a couple of warning lights in the back of my head pointing at the possibility that it is probably a fat mofo.

maybe because they don't like eyebrows?

hmmm, either Israel or the original

thanks for the "clean" hint. Could have missed that. Might have made for some unintendedly aromatic potatoes....

still waiting for a smartphone to catch up in utility to my PalmCentro and Hagenuk S200 with stylus and Graffiti and dropdown menus. Only reason I eventually switched to Android was that I wanted built-in GPS and internet connections. And, thanks to KitKat (and Access' reluctance to do anything on Graffiti) not even

no worries

ok, so there are jerks out there. Which proves totally that all men are jerks and deserve to get whatever comes their way. Lol.

I see I have led a very sheltered life. Until now. Thanks for posting the video link. I made it to the first bud, then no more. It's not that I felt squeamish or so, just that now my curiosity has been satisfied. There are things that do not require repeat.

Now playing

(although, from what I recall, this guy got only a half mill. but it's still a half mill too much)

Just confirming the chafing hypothesis for armpit hair. Did 4 km in swimming practise on Sunday and had been taking it slowly during the two weeks prior. Then went out to do some cycling later in the afternoon and almost immediately my armpits were chafing (although during swimming everything was still oK).

Old news.

nope. And any woman who has a problem with my bike addiction won't have a problem with my bike addiction for long;-)

I take it you have never tried to cycle more than 20 km a day in your entire life? Then try to imagine doing more than 200 km / day and maybe (if you aren't plain trolling), you can start to see that not all bikes are created equal. And I won't even try to start wrapping triathlons, road bike races and other fun