
I see where you are going with the enumeration. However, as things are, logic could also imply that researchers have slowed extended life in mice, which is not what was intended, I would say.

"Some researchers have slowed ageing and extended life in mice". Commas can also work miracles: "Some researchers have slowed ageing, and extended life in mice"

you are meaning to imply that, if engineers had PhDs, there would be no war?

Yooohooo, killing a human being has never been easier! Isn't science great?

Now, where is my personal jetpack, why did a person I rather liked die of skin cancer at 42 years old a couple of months ago, and why is global warming still an issue?

2/3 through the movie the driver of the dash-cam van communicates the licence plate over the phone, so question is, what kind of a car is that? Police?

jez must be sleeping so far...

ok, JCvD just climbed a couple of notches on my sympathy scale. Also, Welcome To The Jungle seems to be a seriously funny movie (not a dumb funny movie, like Kindergarten Cop)

"She's hot and badass" - and also jailbait?

wow, the real JCvD! What's his involvement in this? I mean, don't those guys take the stage only after negotiating million-dollar contracts?

The guitars show some heavy influences by Sonic Youth's "Evol" and Einstürzende Neubauten. But, of course, it's hard to make noise on your guitar and not sound like any of those two...

"Still better than Justin Bieber." - not least of all because The Biebs is one of the fuckers.

but it got your attention, didn't it? It's all about page impressions in this business, like it or leave it.

Romania looks nice. Just that, maybe riding a bike there (I am talking of a pushbike / bicycle) could be a bit dangerous if all the roads lack even a delimited strip at either side of the road. But then, maybe this road is not representative.

It was not a gypsy, it was a he.

It was already over the dividing line before the other motorcycle passed, but I admit my wording was too strong. To talk of blame is a bit exaggerated based on the evidence we have;-)

20th century, meet 19th century, just not so closely.

And the horse isn't acting up, the culprit clearly is the driver of the carriage.

I'm sure there is an app for that.

Apple could go and buy, say, Austria.

Ooops, Russia up for another round of cold war? Problem is, in times of yonder, Russia had the element of communism to keep their cronies by their side. The only thing they have now is imperialism, which traditionally does not go down too well with everybody else except the country practicing it. Russia is

I once wanted to donate blood in one of those blood donor vans they sometimes use in Europe (it was in Germany, then), and the doctor, a rather modern-looking woman in her early 40es, lectured me for having had (hetero-)sex with more than one partner over the last 3 months and decided that my blood was not to be