
Portuguese flags

Hmmm, I am just wondering: Do they have Portuguese flags (those green-and-red things) hanging over the streets in all American villages?

oh yeah, wagging my index finger again...: But, if we used only 10% of the genius and the resources we employ to kill each other, to actually improve living conditions (harvests, energy, water, housing, education, health) of the alive population, we might actually be getting someplace. Not going to happen, yes,

Not wanting to appear like a racist, but none of these dogs is a thoroughbred imho. The one in the middle has more pitbull in him, the one to the left might even have a Rottweiler somewhere in his ancestry, or a retriever, and don't get me started on the Chihuahua. Much too stout for a thoroughbred. Looks like there

"Also, it kind of seems like the chihuahua knows exactly what it's doing picking up all three dogs before getting he hell out of Dogdge". There, I improved that for you. You are welcome.

is it April fools' yet?

So, hunting season on "the young" (when does being young start/end?) will open in 10..9..8...

100 internets to you, dear Sir.

I'll do it for $399, and even let them touch me lightly on the forearm. No need to get enthusiastic, but "forearm" and "lightly" is oK.

"hopefully the knowledge that half of people over 70 have the same problem will ease your mind" - as long as you are over 70 as well which, given the (surmized) demographic of Gizmodo is somewhat unlikely.

Peace and Love, people, be nice to each other. Nobody is perfect. Except me, of course.

"residence" for me implies a place where I can receive shipments. Does DHL deliver to Etihad? That alone would be worth the money, seeing them dock their delivery plane to a 747 just to deliver my freaking parcel....

I do not yet understand the Dumbo one:-$ And that (maybe) saddens me.

Isn't she a beaut? Those cute beady eyes looking innocently at you... And yes, she's a girl. Got to be.

dammit Kinja, you keep not showing me my replies, so I spammed this poor guy with my attention

good thing then nobody asked you, or I would be sitting here crying

good thing then that nobody asked you

no contest. I wasn't even thinking of arguing that, so the "but" was kind of superfluous. The enemy is elsewhere.

Sarlacc was still shitting in its diapers when this baby was all growed up

glad no-one ever asked, then