
good thing nobody did, then

not at all. I just agree wholeheartedly with the article in that the enthusiasm of open source programmers is exploited and added my own experience that there is also a whole lot of people who do it to feed their egos and couldn't care less about improving code stability and collaborate with others. And if there are

Well, yeah, so many companies are relying on open source when it is all nice and dandy.

Why the hell is there no Frooch in either of the photos? I thought that such a thing here on Gizmodo would get at least a passing mention of the legendary Adam Frucci woven in...

I am sure this guy would not approve.

Usain Bolt is just pissing in his pants and hoping dad never realizes the implications of what he just did.

ummm, astrocytes have been in the mix since 20 years, it's just so far no-one has figured out how.

the only question I have after watching the Ghost commercial (apart from "where have my three minutes gone?") is: "did they get laid?"

humanity - blowing things up since 3000 BC

morally reprehensible, but lots of fun.

Now I am confused (as so often happens here): I thought, the notion of marriage was a morally reprehensible construct of the male patriarchal society (a redundant redundant grammatical construction, but this is to offset the more yin-leaning concept of people huddling together in a thing called society to protect the


That would be all. I'll take my meds now. I'm cool. Nothing to see here, go on.

Waterproofed and Android for an easier customizable UI (while offering better connection options, amongst others) might make this even more one-of-a-kind, but definitely more attractive to me;-) Also, it lacks GPS. "You can even connect it to your smartphone to geotag your photo" - why would I want to do that? I want


in the unlikely event that "you" looks anything remotely like this lovely lady.

the same as when you take a Czech to the face.

Yup, but they don't sit alone in the machine and that only happens once in a while. To make a fair assessment, you would have to compare the complete usage environmental impact balance. Reducing this comparison to just the usage of primary resources for repeated act of drying the body is comparing apples to oranges

well, there is still one boob left, which means more options remaining to shock us. If I could only muster the motivation to be shocked by her.

I don't get it. Where is using bazillions of Watt-Hours of energy environmentally friendlier than using ecologically-sourced towels?

Urinary tract infection here I come