
well, reason it looks like Paradise City is because it's damn near being Paradise City. It's also damn near the Ozon Hole, which is a bummer.

yeah, confused me, too.

Just wondering how the article would have sounded if the person in question was a 65 year-old widow. Or if there would have been an article at all.

you have a point there. Ever considered doing shopping with a rucksack?

your phone can do that already

Indeed, wiki says so. Which goes to show that there are often differences between what wikipedia writes and what is known by urban legend. I have lived in Lisbon for 5 years, yet I have only heard that the elevator was built by Gustave Eiffel. But I have never really investigated it thoroughly, so I just guess wiki

Almada, Portugal, has one.

by none other than Mr. Eiffel (he of the tower fame) himself, I might add

good luck then with your next pneumonia. Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were just trolling...

So, when an exchange is up not only against the usual criminals, but also governments and corporations with a vested interest in seeing alternatives to their money extortion schemes go belly-up, the only surprise is that it has taken quite a while for them to figure out how to bring those exchanges down, which I would

So, when an exchange is up not only against the usual criminals, but also governments and corporations with a vested interest in seeing alternatives to their money extortion schemes go belly-up, the only surprise is that it has taken quite a while for them to figure out how to bring those exchanges down, which I would

what's a va-jay-jay? It is properly referred to as a "nether-ya-ya". Geez, don't you people watch Big Bang Theory?

So, if climate change is all a hoax, why doesn't Mr. Dandruff relocate to Tuvalu?

I can do that, and a lot faster, no problem. Only problem would be the landing. It's not the falling that kills us, it's the ground.

I hate to break it to you then: Vagina and yeast is more or less a 100% combination. The problem is just when the yeast grow out of proportion, for example in stretches of time (damn, that was hard to avoid using "period" here:-D) when the immune system is down.
But, yeah, go on trying to be smug while just flashing

Never given a muff job? I think the ladies might object to you saying it is vomit-inducing. It's an acquired taste, for sure, but the effect usually outweighs the grossness.

Actually read that piece about beer from vaginal yeast just now. Someone needs her head examined. oK, it's art, and the real value of most art comes from the insane interpretations people make of it. But still. There are boundaries.

"The line between celebrity worship and cannibalism thinned ever so slightly this week" - I was not aware of the existence of any such line. But I don't care. This is one of the finest sentences I have ever read on Gizmodo.

This looks more like Sony's QX systems than anything else.

beat me to it