
can I haz Android with HSPDA, too?

Well, there is something to be said about Apple's approach with what looks like an over-the ear hook. While I generally salute the idea of just sticking something in my ear and hope it doesn't all out, having something fall out to the tune of 100 USD a piece lowers my tolerance threshold for shit happening to below

Apple, meet Bragi. Commence litigation in 3...2...1...

Yup, leaning, not pointing straight up.

no way the last story is real

age is mostly a statistical concept. Just because most people reach their peak at 25, doesn't mean it has to be downhill from then on. However, staying in shape physically and mentally takes effort, dedication and persistence. People with a mentality of "I want an anti-ageing pill" don't have what it takes. To a very

All hail our feathered overlords.

All hail out feathered overlords.

I used to have an olympic gymnast (male) in my class in high school who went to the LA olympics. He already was a midget back in the day, but almost as wide as tall, a Tolkienian dwarf rather than a midget.

Thanks for anticipating my idea, which makes me feel less embarrassed.


just make sure there are no walls hidden under the drifts, or other hard stuff

just talked about the a friend of mine's father today who used to drive a Porsche 911 Targa (a convertible) in the snow, without snow tires, and he always got where he wanted, no worries.

and of course, I mean that in an entirely non-arsehole way

looks like Raccoon City in the snow to me, post-T-virus.

somebody has been reading their Terry Pratchett...

Ummm, so, something that does not have anything to do with male patriarchal dominance helps women to be more assertive? I am confused...

Maybe low female assertiveness does not have anything to do with male dominant suppression? oK, I am getting a bit ahead of myself on that one...

Terrorists, downtime? I find this unacceptable. If somebody is out to kill me, at least they should have the decency of working their arse off! I'm not that easy. (I probably am, but no need to rub my nose in it)

Last time I checked, Mr. Wiggly being wiggly at the time of suckage sort of undermines the whole thing.

Then, unmoving eyes = Asian horror movies.
