
Great writing, Jesus! May I add that cars simply cannot not stink? Gasoline, rubber, or just plain bad. I wouldn't want that anywhere near me, much less in my dwellings. My bike is in my room, yes, but that's another story. I think BMW is willfully ignoring that more and more young people give a shit about the old,

not interested. Unless I can sext with that hot stewardess from first class...

got me there;-)

A horseshoe magnet in close proximity to a flash drive? What could possibly go wrong?

Well, that's just too easy for the police to catch up with. As long as consumption of drugs is a felony in most states, the police just need to send around their own drones and collect the addresses of those people who try to extract their stuff from whatever delivery system those things have.

which is why my camera is mostly covered physically.

oK, so there is a bit of a cognitive disconnect here: while the areas are of the same relative colour, they cannot be of the same absolute colour, since the area above is in the light, and the one below in the shadow. A relative colour in the shadow that is the same as a relative colour in the light will always be

Where do I say this applies exclusively to the NSA? Also, if you would have read the article above, you would have known that it refers to the NSA exclusively. I am just staying on topic. Better take your meds, you are becoming agitated.


+1 internet to you then because, by inference, you sure do. Well, all we lesser people with so little emotions and understanding of the big scheme of things...

;-) Thanks for pointing that out.

oK, so, that is rumination and self-centeredness on steroids. Interesting how she thinks that counting her crying fits is actually helping. I imagine that might give results rather such as looking into the toilet bowl and smelling vomit has on somebody who has just thrown up. Excuse me while I run for the loo...

the dog in the photo has pretty short legs to be an Alsation. Looks more like a black Corgi...

I'd love a bit holder for my keychain, now that we've put the fixit-sticks and keychain together...

Yeah, logbooks are dumb and dangerous. I'd rather save them in my MacOS keychain or browser keychain. Oh, wait...

oK, I'll never understand what people like so much about fixed-size screwdrivers. Those

no worries. Most of the time we don't really check the images we post, since we know what is on them, I guess.

Well, it has not been much to my advantage so far. So, maybe other people are simply more aware of The Matrix than I am?

Right on the money.

Thanks. Well, got the Kevin David part right, at least;-)