
oK, so this does not seem to have anything to do with Snowden other than he was the one to first poke into the hornet's nest, but enough of this already! A Nobel peace price is just a beginning for this guy. Instant sainthood already! What else does he need to qualify? I mean, the fuckers at NSA seem to think they can

Kevin David Johnson? Cannot read anything in the thumbnail. How the f..k can I get images to show in full size on Giz? And, no, clicking on them will not do (Chrome MacOS 10.6.8).

Or, maybe, you deign to tell the story to visually challenged conspecifics?

Oh, ye of little faith. I am not buying it. Others with lesser minds do;-)

Fuck privacy. It's not about privacy, but it is about control. If somebody knows what somebody else is doing at all times, they can take advantage of that by manipulating. Take only Google's targeted searches. I don't see the the purpose of my life in buying stuff I don't need or doing things I don't want, just to

Nice. What I can't stomach, however, is the price. Twice as much as my two Eagle Creek luggage compression bags. Well, those bags are pretty old already, so, I couldn't tell with any certainty how much they are right now, but still...

Thanks for pointing that out, I entirely missed that. Really cool contribution of yours.

Be patient. This is much like a public beta. And, as such, a very promising and functioning one, it seems.

Good thing I don't do cars. Now, a flying bike, that would a different proposition. But I'm afraid, this one has a working headstart of 30 years on Mr. Möller:

zombie thread revivals FTW!

So, let's make the tech industry take Note (sorry for the pun...). One of my problems for voting with my bucks is that, as long as I don't have anything technologically top-of-the-line that's as rugged (mucho important for me) and similar in size to the Xperia Go, I will keep hanging onto my old phones, so I actually

Oh yeah, the tech industry is sexist. They are deliberately building phones for men only. So, why do I keep seeing mostly women touting Galaxy Notes in the bus, on the train, in public spaces? The tech industry is gender-agnostic. They are just interested in selling you stuff. You want smaller phones, you go buy

Only the Coke/Pepsi logos gave me a start and Apple/Windows. I guess, I am not conditioned enough to be thrown off by the other changes. As for MacD: as long as it has the golden arches in it, it looks oK to me.

after all is said and done, he can resell his apartment and most probably recover his initial cost, including the refurnishing. So, in saldo, what he is earning now, is profit. It just needs a bit of an investment, but that's the appeal/crux of real estate.

Either Daydream Nation or EVOL. Have to relisten to them. But if I remember correctly, Daydream Nation was the beginning of the end of my infatuation with Sonic Youth. EVOL was the soundtrack of an entire summer, driving around in my first car, a red Renault 12 Estate (13 years old, which I had rescued from the

"the state-backed Deutsche Telekom has declared that it wants to create a national internet to protect Germany from future privacy infringements" - yes, that is precisely hat Germany is all about, privacy infringements. And the freedom and independence of their own citizens. Excuse me while I head for the basement

"calm under pressure" - why do I have problems imagining that as a particular female trait? Where are those people who have a fitting video clip for everything? I am tool lazy to look....

Kewl. He actually has the same phone that I do: Sony Xperia active.

A 13" iPad pro? If it runs full MacOS, sign me up. As far as mobile goes, I'm committed to other UXes, currently Android, and if Ubuntu becomes useful, to that. I hope they keep their implementation skinnable, like Apple should have done with theirs, so that the GUI is just a matter of choice, not a matter of what

Chrome actually has it built-in. Settings -> advanced settings -> privacy/Content settings -> [scroll down to] Plug-ins -> check "click to activate" for all
"Disable individual plug-ins..." for a more fine-grained choice of plugins.

that, my children, is, why God gave us flash-blockers.