
who ever wants to close a bra? A generic bra is not simple to open one-handedly. There are some that are, most are not. Try Sportsbras, for example. oK, that was mean. Anyway, I admit to being a bit sinisterous (as opposed to dexterous) with those little hooks. Maybe you can share some youTube classes?

video or it never happened!

While Under Armour are at it, could they please fix bras as well? They need to be open-able with one hand just like zippers. Call it MagBra (or MacBra?) if you want, I won't be claiming trade marks (maybe in exchange for a couple DD customers sent my way:-P). You are welcome. Thank you.

It really is amazing how many people still think that our only purpose as human beings is to reproduce, regardless of religion or other contagious diseases. It is true, from a biological point of view, of course, maybe nature scored an own goal by actually giving us the means to transcend our original programming and

Well, at least I imagine in Canada it should not be such a huge moral / religious problem as it probably is in the US...

You just have to insist and keep looking. Took me about 3 months of phone calls and approximately 25-40 doctors contacted (it's already 21 years ago, so I don't remember exactly how many it were). My quest was complicated by the fact that I was 23 then and all doctors were worried about lawsuits should I ever change

So, do I feel celebrated? Anyway, pants ...eeehm hands down the best decision I ever took.

Mine is not an MBP, but the MB 13" alu unibody that came before it. The battery lasts max. 3 hours when new.

all? even the little one?

never heard of them before. But that's the reason then that it's pretty good, because I was surprised that there would be some half-way decent new music on the market. The music market has all been Rihanna-ized end Beyoncé-ized:-S

There is still hope, yes. But I might be giving in to temptation before that and get myself a maxed-out MBA 11". Lugging around my MB 13" has just become too tiresome, and the battery life of ~1:30-2:00 with a 1-year-old battery just does not cut it anymore.

I googled an image for tuque, and this

Boy, will the singer be in for a surprise, once puberty hits. Or is it a she? Catchy song, nevertheless, nice phrasing.

I prefer pulling a bandana over my eyes, which I can also wear around the neck, when it is cold, or like a pirate-cloth under my bike helmet etc. etc. And it costs < 10 €.

The Russkis were first: In Soviet Russia, toilet explodes you.

"Pierre added that he's at least grateful that he wasn't sitting down on the toilet when he pulled the handle" - if it's any consolation: the stuff at least would not have blown up in his face.

"...and the whole thing exploded in his face". Thank you, that is as much detail as I am willing to handle in that case, considering that he had just dropped a load.

This trend is mildly disturbing: 4.3" is not anywhere near mini. The last true mini phone I remember (and possess) is the Xperia 10 mini (oK, the Xperia X mini after it, too, but that was a dead ringer for the X 10 mini anyway).

Were those functionalities ever gone? I have been using "from: location A to: location B to: location C" quite extensively over the last 2 years, on a daily basis and a m pretty sure I last used it yesterday so, not gone on Chrome for the Mac....