
Oh, so I do know MCD. Just, like, I don't know him... Well....

Who are Amanda Todd and Michael Clarke Duncan? Never heard of them.

Maybe most of the people didn't have a clue who she was and therefore had to google her?

There is no way you can make it seem "in the distance", the precise procedure requires binocular vision which, simpy put, is a synonym for focussing. You can see things with both eyes because the eyes can focus on them.

You mean like this? Basically, he is having "busy" written all over his face.

yawn, those complaints aren't getting any more original either

Thank you for pointing that out. That was exactly what I was saying before all those kiddies with too much time and too little understanding were starting to run rampant and dribbling words at the mouth (like holographic displays - i am still in awe) they have no notion of what they actually mean. And you are right, I

So, you do understand the basic concept of focus? Not. Please, look up in wikipedia before you make such inane answers, claiming to contradict something by actually verifying it. "infinite focus" also means that something is in focus, it's just at the very end of the focal range. And just so that you cannot call me a

Because they needed somebody they could be trolling on. But then let us ignore the noise in the background and get to what my comment was about: What is the benefit of those contacts? Does it have something to do with the article from engadget where the redeeming concept of those lenses is that they can display

I would say you need to read the article again, but you just quoted the article so it looks like you read it and then you can keep on trolling nonetheless. I guess, trolls will be trolls. Grow a life.

Just so you don't have to take my word for it, there are entire articles dedicated to this.

well, then, Mr. Calling-other-people-armchair-experts, please do explain to me how else I am supposed to see something properly if I cannot focus on it? How do Google glasses work (which, apparently, according to the phrasing of somebody else's question, do not require focusing)? Do they beam the data via bluetooth

actually, yes

umm, stuff on your eye is much too close to be focused at. You won't be able to see what's on the screen other than your vision might become darkened by what's on the lens.

well, thanks to Google, I didn't have to remember the titles. A quick search for "prisoners fight to death jungle island" turned up this gem, aka "The Condemned" which I actually watched two times because I couldn't remember I had already watched it the first time around. Which is sort of a pitfall for all bad movies;

As long as the legal system doesn't make any errors (aka throwing innocent people in jail) this seems like a valid proposition, although it's already been made by a number of movies (any single one of which was too bad for me to remember the titles).

I like it and have more than once recently considered making it my primary OS, but I am still tied to the legacy of FinalCut and Logic. Anything available on Ubuntu that can replace those two?

"If we can find things in this epoch, we can start to characterize them," doesn't sound much like what the title is claiming.

somehow missing lithium-polymer in there, but a nice write-up all the same

oh, sorry. My bad. I didn't know. :-$