
"national" as in "Scottish"?

well, you have to include the prices of the drives as well in your calculations. And that might turn the tables, at least in my case. I'll only need 2 x 256 GB SDXCs and 2 x 128 SDXCs and maybe a couple of 64 GB µSDXCs for my backup strategy. And the two latter are readily avilable today already, at 109 € the 128

First time I read Iron Dome, I misread it as Iron Dame and thought they had brought in Maggie Thatcher with a fly flap to swat the rockets out of the sky.

Now, I am pulling this a bit out of my hat, because I can't remember the source, and I might be completely mistaken.... But from what I remember reading it's that flu is actually an over-reaction of the immune system, this would actually chime in with the supposed immuno-depressive effect of meth, but, as I said, it's

verrry good;-)

yup, in 2015 there'll be microSDXCs with at least 512 GB capacity. And SDXCs with 1024.

I am confused. "Yes we do" implies they are shared (as in shared by different sexes), but then you go on to emphasize, that "boys and girls don't"? Are you trying to say, that there are no individual showers, but all men share a communal shower facility, as do women, but no mingling between either?

well, I belong to the minority for which no SD is a dealbreaker. Considering that the One J Butterfly does have microSD and is waterproofed, Verizon is doing themselves a disservice. Here is to hope the European versions will not be castrated.

Do they have shared shower facilities in the Israeli army?

A credit to the species. If he is real. Which I sort of doubt. Anything for page views these days. Which is oK, because apparently _somebody_ (like me) is viewing them.

You are the master of random pointless texts. I think it's an art if you have other people read them till the end, as I did, I am not ashamed to say;-)

And yet, time and time again women stretch the importance that we love them, no matter what. Also, the "preggers" part in the conversation above is so obviously phoney, that I couldn't blame anybody for staying on, just to see what the person behind the bs is.

just about half in his pompousness eventually tired me out. So, who does this guy think he is, being an old[, rich] fart in a country where modestly attractive poor women fling themselves at his feet and are jealous about who gets to feed on the crumbs that fall of the table? I didn't manage to get to the gang-part

"This video ... is hilarious" - thanks for the hint, or I would have missed that. Much appreciated.

So, McAfee is Chuck Norris?

"if it's genuine"... Are. You. Bloody. Kidding. Me????

The funny thing is that facebook is still asking, when sending a friend request "do you really know this person" or something in that vein.

isn't the "restored" painting in the meantime worth more than the original ever was?

Ummm, it could have some more "chingo" and "pinche" in it;-) Maybe switch out Cancun for pinche, for starters? You don't need Cancun and Acapulco both. Bugger that "lacucaracha" is one letter short, though.
