Newton? Apple CD? Apple TV?
Newton? Apple CD? Apple TV?
Holy cow, a milking machine!
Umm, that is simply due to the fact that cyclists are treated like aliens by cars and like aliens by pedestrians. If cyclists have their own lanes they will behave like cyclists, if everybody treats us like obstacles, we have to fight for our lives, simple as that.
My first printer, a Panasonic KX-P 1091 bit the dust after I kicked it off the table. Although myself and printers is a long history of mutual hatred, this was actually the only one I completely demolished, the other ones were shite without my help; except for the only one I really liked, which was a Canon BJC 55 with…
Poor little camera. It must have died thousand deaths all during its lonely freefall. And then the heartwarming reunification with the owner, the joy! (Sorry, I have to dry a little tear that crept into the corner of my eye)
There are also people wearing iron bars through their head which doesn't make them a prime choice as a fashion accessory for me.
expandable memory. Or, wait - that's too complicated.
That is a good key for a New Yorker. "We tell you where to go and what to do with yourself" - sounds just about right.
yeah AAPL, sue Sammy for infringing on the Newton's IP about styluses...
Gizmodo staff is known to play it safe when it comes to photos. The guy in this profile photo bears a passing resemblance to the one in the article photo. I won't bet my bike on it, but I am almost positive.
Which is why facebook does not have my phone number.
maybe you should chose a different hobby then?
4.4 kg??? My tent cost half of that, sleeps half of that, but weighs a quarter of it.
"he wears headphones when he rides a bike, but he's an idiot" - couldn't agree more. In a generic way, of course, since I don't know Chris at all.
using the runs or kayaking angle, I would very much like a phone such as this for bike tours. It fits in the top pocket of my rucksack, I run a cable from my solar cell right into that pocket to charge it. I do my navi with my Xperia Active up front (charged by the hub dynamo), but the blogging and route planning in…
for first contact always the address bar. Later, for refining or changing the current search, the homepage
they simply missed the price point by two decimals. Okay, make that one, but still...
Having your neck fixed there in between the frame is a recipe for all kinds of interesting neck injuries should something go only slightly wrong.