almost killed (or maimed) a little child there at 1:30. So much for better maneuvering.
almost killed (or maimed) a little child there at 1:30. So much for better maneuvering.
which is why I don't use apps in facebook.
hehe, thanks for the intel. Sometimes I wish I had the time to delve a little bit deeper into the workings of the libraries, but I am too busy writing my own and learning some more because every client has a different set of preferences (not necessarily the best, but who am I to argue if they pay?).
unfortunately we didn't have the time in that project to be experimenting. My suggestion of doing some unit-testing in critical places was met with an "we don't have time for that", so we stopped searching for scrolling alternatives as soon as we found something that was working, and my colleague had played around…
well, I have just finished a PhoneGap implementation using jquery and jquery mobile with iScroll. But even why we were doing the project, PhoneGap got bumped up a couple of times and now I am working on my own personal project and I don't have to use iScroll at all (at least for deployment on Android, I am still not…
sorry, but if the HTML5 version did not work correctly before, that was simply due to bad programming, not due to bad technology. There is a bit of a speed tradeoff with hybrid applications (assuming that theirs was some sort of hybrid), but for everything that does not tax processor speed (such as games etc.) the…
jfyi: PhoneGap works perfectly well without an internet connection.
Yeah, great inspiration. I have had a Gore Col Dryloft from Marmot for 10 years, great sleeping bag, but eventually it got just too heavy (2.1 kg) for taking on a bike and I am never out on the bike at -20°C anyway. Now I switched to a North Face Gold Kazoo, and it's really great. Supposed to go down to -4°C in…
yeah, that was my first approach. But then DiY solutions have a habit of requiring continued DiY interventions and, since I am not in the habit of carrying around a soldering iron when I am going on a bike tour, I settled for the lazy approach and got the PedalPower+. There is still the contact end of the PP+, where…
you might just want to add, that using Busch & Müller or Pedal Power+ (which is, what I have, but their website goes nowhere anymore, so looks like they are out of business) interfaces, you can connect USB gadgets to your hub dynamo no worries.
You mean, that text above is an original or is that already generated? All I understand that there is a whole lot of synonyms in the dictionary for sexual activities and organs and I don't give a flying f... about knowing any one of those. But apparently, it's selling and causing outrage. Yawn.
thank you, thank you, thaaank you! A day started with a full belly laugh is indeed going to be a good day!
Subtlety and Italy are lightyears apart.
thank you, much appreciated. You know, one has to make sure not only to investigate the face of history, but also its hind quarters.
Could it be that it is a bit similar to 2001, or Solaris (the original)?
all the love might have put you in a wrong frame of mind.
Hey Molly, while this rant really is a great writeup (the best I can remember reading from you, but there might have been others where I simply didn't check the author because, after all, you are just one of the guys) and true from the first to the last line, the sexism to which you refer is probably mostly rooted in…
might depend on their size
cheetos are performance enhancing drugs? Did I miss something?
"take me to your leader..." - I still think he is one helluva cool dude