all the love might have put you in a wrong frame of mind.
all the love might have put you in a wrong frame of mind.
Hey Molly, while this rant really is a great writeup (the best I can remember reading from you, but there might have been others where I simply didn't check the author because, after all, you are just one of the guys) and true from the first to the last line, the sexism to which you refer is probably mostly rooted in…
might depend on their size
cheetos are performance enhancing drugs? Did I miss something?
"take me to your leader..." - I still think he is one helluva cool dude
:-D so you say.
well, had you asked me half an hour earlier, I still had my Korg Pandora PX5D multiple guitar effect plugged into my MB 13" unibody, but if the notebook is not connected to mass (i.e. if I am not touching it, which is kind of hard to accomplish while I am playing the guitar) there is a very audible hum in everything…
yup, but just reduced to cyberspace. imho the concept of cheating (in a sexual context) as a whole is quite vapid, it gets defined and redefined fluidly in any relationship, just as it may suit the current hormonal situation of those involved. What is cheating today would maybe not even raise an eyebrow amongst the…
define "cheating"
NFC, full-size USB, fingerprint reader (and, hopefully, full-size SDXC and a keyboard dock), I hope AAPL is taking note, but I know they won't.
"Some $1,000+ models now have six-axis DSLR mounts as options (and the horsepower to haul them)." care to elaborate? Anybody?
as far as that goes, I would consider myself rather geocentric than anything else, I have to admit, so for me "world" = "earth". But we could call them Mars Attacks, that sounds nice, or Mars Records, that sounds a bit like Snickers. Just to show that a little capitalization can go a long way...
or, you know, you could consider not buying it...
"the cost was all spent in our economy, not sent to Mars in a bag" - brilliant! The Jesus at his best;-)
Ummm, "Mars records" you mean
well, to quote the poet: "fuck the cloud, I want blue skies!"
well, I guess you can't quota your way in when a couple of bazillion bucks are on the line...
Umm, Metro is actually pretty big in Germany, not just with the flagship stores that bear their name, but also with a whole load of other companies they own, mainly retail.
I already wanted to built a shower cabin that looks like a British phone booth, complete with one of those phone showerheads about ...hold on...17 years ago. Eventually I had to acknowledge that my 10 thumbs were not compatible with the project, though...
Well, by way of an answer...