
I actually liked it. Am I wrong?

true, but just what are the probabilities? I mean, come on, even our gods are stupid. Go forth and be fruitful - who says this kind of bullshit, when the least of the problems we face as a species is barren individuals?

banhammer in 3...2...1....

just about bloody time, is all I can say

proprietary = higher margins

ok, alien life, as far as probabilities go, no contest. But intelligent life? I mean, is there even one planet with intelligent life on it?

that's because the reds make a 57 and the cyans make a 35

couldn't have said it better

How can people be that stupid? First of all, they should perceive that autism is just different, not necessarily something that has to be cured. Then they are not as likely to fall prey to quacks whose approach to a cure is just to kill everything that's different (and bleach just throws in an insane amount of torture

so, the best way to get these a-holes to shut up is to spam their return addresses. Bring in the bots! Let them have some of their own medicine! We could use the same tactics other spammers use and mix excerpts from publicly available literature on the internet in the mail bodies.

well, if you plan on dying anytime soon, might as well save a few bucks while doing so.

I would say, it's not the multi-tasking per se, but rather if you manage to keep the threads together or not. And the latter would be something a lot harder to quantify in a study.

well, yeah, my experience was with Apple phone support. I then went to an Apple retailer (not the Apple Store) yesterday and they also gave me the key without charge and I made a contribution to their coffee fund. I cannot say if that would have been the same in the official Apple Store, but judging by my experiences

facebook has been asking me for my phone number with that justification for ages and I have always declined. Sure that this is new?

ummm, I thought I had seen some on his forehead. Now I don't...:-S

Just one short (so far open-ended-)story: The left shift key on my MacBook 13", original Al-unibody, broke. Just the cap of the key, nothing else, a black piece of plastic that should cost fractions of cents to produce, less than a 5 bucks to hold in storage somewhere and send it to me.

well, that would be Epo in the body. This study seems to have been made about the effect of Epo in the brain. I concur with you in all what you say in that Epo is not such a good idea in the periphery, and it should at least have been mentioned for this in the article, but the brain is another aspect.

ummm, he has it in his face as well. I would venture that it's not what it looks like.

dead xor rich, as opposed to alive and miserable? Count me in!

I reckon that's called the generation jump or something like that...