I remember scented envelopes being all the rage back in the day. So, where is that different? It's still glue and paper. Like flavoured condoms, which are still latex, no matter how much you flavour them.
I remember scented envelopes being all the rage back in the day. So, where is that different? It's still glue and paper. Like flavoured condoms, which are still latex, no matter how much you flavour them.
add me to the list. Oh, well, nevermind, it says "celebrities"...
great scene. It really had me cringe in my seat.
drastic temperature changes can also bring about fogging. Maybe, since Hawaii has a very humid climate and the possibitilty of drastic elevation changes, that could have been a factor. Even happens on my waterproof watches, both a G-Shock and a Suunto Core. My TSx (I have had the TS1 and currently own the TS2, I was…
what would they know about being happy?
+1 for having read the paper and debunked Giz's sensationalism soundly.
Well, it might be worth somebody's while to check out who sponsored this story. ExeterU is hardly a first-rate address, so, sponsoring by the industry might be more of a necessity for them than others. And a sample size of 361 can hardly be called "large-scale".
and, of course, there is the matter of the little "expand" icon that shows up on mouse over...
I applaud you sir for your eloquent response. Jezebel's commenters far more sexist than Gizmodo's.
So, she rats out what she calls criminals to the government and is surprised they don't like it?
I agree on the the setup part. That was a prank, or I am the emperor of China.
mylenation => myelination
correct. Some people have screwed-up logic. Just as it is happening time and again, when I, as a cyclist, am having problems with car drivers and people try to distort things in a way that I am at fault for wanting to participate in traffic with a seriously underpowered vehicle.
well, this is what gets page impressions. Would you have clicked it otherwise? Me definitely not.
I cannot see eugenics at work here, only a deep-rooted desire to take their own offspring out of the gene pool. I have a link for you here that gives you a definition for eugenics should you wish to check out the justification (or the lack thereof) for a finger-wagging. But I guess you also call suicide murder, right?
This is why we need reproduction licenses.
not getting into a discussion here, because my quantum physics is not up to it, but from all the articles I have read, I was able to derive that the entangled quantums were in different, places which, to me at least, sort of appears to be the point of teleportation.
Ummm, if they could also include texting or listening to music over headphones while walking on or crossing a bicycle lane, please... Or, make that "while taking part in any activity requiring attention to other parties in public spaces".