
does the FBC1 have a bathroom?

What about any given English accent? Liverpool, Newcastle, Bristol? Scottish, Irish? Aussie, Kiwi? I did not think the speaker had such a strong accent. Discernible, but nothing compared to a nice Geordie drawl.

I guess "stupid German money" is becoming "stupid Chinese money". The times are-a-changing.

good boy



ummm, the settling down part can become a necessity without the pill faster than you think. Which might be entirely intended, actually.

that is, precisely, why I am not getting married:-D Thank you for summing it up so nicely.

so, the pill is like alcohol (sorry, couldn't resist>:| )?

you forgot mentioning playing Bridge and reading a book together (both probably on an iPad).

but it's great for the boobs, if you want to correct your gender!

but it apparently helps

what's marriage?

right, I also missed the options of "short affair and great sex" or "bad sex and even shorter affair". What's it about marriage? Has there been some paradigm shift lately that I haven't been made aware of? Is marriage the new black?

as far as I remember, it was in System 7 already, and I tried it out on my Powerbook 145. It might have been available on my Powerbook 100 already, but I definitely forgot that. Anyway, in my version of OS 10.6.8 there is a "Speech" control panel that still has the settings, only people have forgotten about it.

no way you could be trolling, right?

oh, OS 8 could also understand what you were saying. It just wasn't really useful. I just kept trying to teach it "shut the fuck up" and it wouldn't. But was it really only OS 8? I sort of have remembered that it worked already earlier...

SD, or µSD, that's the question.

Ummm, sorry for being a featured comment, then. Seems other people have not shared your negative view. And also, you could always click on where it says "All" you know? No need to keep reading my defacing comment when you know how the commenting system works.