
so, you are saying that writing about windsurfers is way to contribute? Way to contribute. Next you're going to write writing "way to contribute" is way to contribute.

spot on

well, off to the walrus olympics you go, then!

no expandable storage and proprietary connector? Looks like Sammy has copied a few pages from Apple's playbook.

I guess at higher wind speeds the power necessary to hold the sail increases exponentially. If I remember correctly, the guy from the record attempt (I think the name was Rogers or something -too lazy to google- is no Twiggy to start with) was actually still wearing something like a weight belt or had metal plates in

well, experts are supposed to say experty things even if they don't have a bloody clue what's going on.

faster than the wind? Bah, windsurfers have been able to do that for more than 30 years... Wake me when a trimaran is actually faster than a wind/kitesurfer. Just for the record, it seems the world speed record is held by a kite at 55 knots (just above 100 km/h), although the Hydroptere trimaran is not far behind, and

so, that was the same pilot?

So, when two men have an altercation in WalMart, the worst case they get some bruises, or stab each other, or maybe even shoot each other. Two women get in an altercation and they start bloody WW3!

murder is not popular in that book? Are you joking? That is about bloody murder from page zero until the end, and the money shot is when that guy is nailed to the cross and perishes. Not murder, you say?

my doubt exactly. Maybe the fuzziness stems from that it is indeed ethanol but the author reckoned it could be used as bio-fuel, thus as an alternative to normal gas(online), which would make it bio-gas. And this is where the chain of implications went awry....

oK, maybe I should have made my reference to arts a bit more specific, but I felt lazy. I did not doubt the expertise of the writer (after all, as you correctly said, I didn't make it past the paywall, so I had no evidence, and was not going to make some up); what I was referring to was the complete incapability in

And at first I thought, the iPhone presentation missed One More Thing....

Powerbook 100

double post due to comment system screwup

oh, well, when I went to the fnac in Lisbon to show them my MacBook charger which was still under the 2-year warranty of the 'book it came with, but the cable had broken internally, they told me, they could send it to Apple, but it would most probably not be replaced on warranty. Bought a new charger, took my charger

"That's not even vaguely the point here" - yes, it is. And if you want to make something else your point and go on a crusade, that's your problem. I know for what reason I made the comment, and I will not let you hijack my case any more. Your interpretations, conjecture and projections are your problem, I for once am

Yeah, I know it's not very fitting, but all I can think of is "One more thing...". RIP

when you are still able to talk intelligibly to your phone while jogging, you are certainly doing something wrong

99% sexual harassment law suit, 1% getting it. Unless you are Brad Pitt. I would say, luck doesn't quite cut it. Better lawyer up prophylactically.