that desperate? Actually, I don't know if I can be destarred at Jezebel. Currently I am drawing my weekly dose of flak and am just one inch from being called Hitler so, maybe if you put in a petition there, they will cheerfully transfer it to you;-)
that desperate? Actually, I don't know if I can be destarred at Jezebel. Currently I am drawing my weekly dose of flak and am just one inch from being called Hitler so, maybe if you put in a petition there, they will cheerfully transfer it to you;-)
What are you ignoring? Well, for once the fact that I said that the anesthesist is entirely in his right to deny a patient treatment because he sees his or her obesity as a risk. The rest was polemic, guilty as charged, but you have managed to miss / willfully ignore the central point for I don't know how many…
Well, for starters, The Cloud allows The Man to snoop through your files without breaking a sweat. And with location awareness and cellular phones your life is becoming more and more transparent. It's heaps of data and probably they cannot really do anything with it yet on a grand scale. But if they want to focus in…
big surprise, guy who doesn't want to be found denies identity if confronted with it. Or, maybe, in other words, guy with one name denies to be guy with another name. Who woulda thunk.
So, you are accusing me of ignoring parts of your comment while you are doing exactly the same? Way to go!. And, yes, weight is a choice (in all but the pathological cases), wasn't that exactly what you were saying in your first comment by implying that people have all the rights to do with their bodies as they…
matter of fact, I really enjoyed that. So, there is a couple of undeclared µSDXC readers out there already. Terabytes, here I come! Just wondered how they were formatted (didn't have patience to watch the video), since FAT maxes out at 32 gigs.
sorry, forgot:
ok, reporting back: Wikipedia says it's a max of 32 gigs, which means it is SDHC. And, of course, the format is µSD, not SD.
hmmm, are you somewhat throwing RAM and onboard flash memory in the same pot? Because the RAM is pretty easily filled up on some devices (the paltry RAM on my XPeria X10 mini, for example, which is 128 MB and a real pain in the a#$, since SE won't update Android beyond 2.1, and I won't experiment with rooting on my…
it does µSDXC? As in terabytes? That would be kewl. Have to look that up. BRB.
I would not support the exact wording, but I like the soap box metaphor. And, yes, profanity has increased. Before that, in days yonder, profanity used to be a cool stylistic accessory to sarcasm. Now that the funny sarcasm has mostly gone, the emperor looks pretty much bereft of his clothes, and that is profane.
oh, the Giz was not invited?
well, you know, MacOS 7.1 (the first version MacOS I had on my Powerbook 100, if I remember the version number correctly) had voice control baked right into the system. That was....lemme think... 1994. For all you know, the next thing they do is at the next Apple presentation Tim Cook will pull a pen out of his pocket…
Missing a category:
"YOU have no right to tell people what rights they have when it comes to their own bodies" I am not arguing she can't do with her body what she wants. But she is forcing everybody else (aka. the anesthesist) to to deal with the consequences and risks associated of her being obese and she can't force anybody else to…
ok, sorry for double-posting. Mr. Fritz is moderating Giz comments today.
oK, this is the disadvantage of not having a threaded comment system. I just guess you are referring to my "oh, you know" comment, which was directed at RenRen's "Created AIDS? Explain." comment. And, supposing your indignation is actually real and not sarcastic (if not: well played) you missed that I was referring at…
ok, this is the disadvantage of not having threaded comments, but I reckon you are referring to my "Oh you know..." comment, and, in case your indignation is real and not sarcastic, you failed to see that my answer was directed at the commenter, not at the scientist. Because Mr. Steinman sure as hell did not cook up…
exactly. It is every anesthesist's personal decision if (s)he is willing to perform anesthesia, and if (s)he decides (s)he won't take the risk, (s)he just won't, full stop. It is not necessarily discrimination, just hedging his or her bets. And it's not against fat women specifically, but against fat in general, so it…
yeah, insane 60 fps... NEX 7? Oh, and the optics, yes, minus the interchangeable lens aspect...:-S Help me out here, it seems that it comes up short against the NEX 7 in every aspect, also price-wise. But the price is closer than any other aspect, so why would I want this?