She should have taken the deal since that was all she was ever going to get. She really fucked it up for the rest of the other people.
She should have taken the deal since that was all she was ever going to get. She really fucked it up for the rest of the other people.
Bill is clearly a charming and charismatic individual. Every interview I’ve ever read of someone who met Bill Clinton suggests that he made them feel special and totally charmed them. Weiner comes across as an arrogant douche. I’m thrilled to see that Netflix just sent me the documentary Weiner, I’ve heard great…
One? Bish, where, when?
Yeah, that’s called not being discreet, when you know you are a target and yet you still can’t keep yourself from doing it.
She might actually love him, or just have a strong sense of loyalty.
YES. When people wonder if they have an “agreement” I think that level of indiscretion suggests that the terms of any agreement they have is being violated. Certainly the most worrying part is that he keeps doing it. How do you stay with someone who clearly can’t or won’t learn from their mistakes?
Regardless, he’s so indiscreet that I can’t figure out why she doesn’t leave him for not learning that lesson. It’s one thing to be open. It’s another to be a liability. Also, sending a dick pic with your child in the frame is fucked up beyond measure.
“Ooooooh . . . I was scared. For half a second I thought I posted something. Stop looking at my crotch,” Weiner wrote back.
ugh ugh ugh my boyfriend LOVES these revolting shows and truly doesn’t seem to understand what a scam they are. He especially likes Dead Files, where a “psychic” and a police detective do investigations and where the clients are almost always borderline (or not so borderline) mentally ill sad sacks
It’s happening all over the place. It looks like if the main follows you, the subs do too now. There may or may not be other routines we haven’t figured out yet.
How did this happen to Leslie Jones?
The Elon story is gold but you have to use your imagination. Like I can just imagine this billionaire futurist being like this shy creepy high schooler you know I don’t want to date her but she just seems... interesting. It’s such a thing some of my friends would do so it’s funny imagining all that.
There were lots of crime-related ones. A woman failed to return a car and it was reported stolen. Turns out she was living in the rental car and running a check fraud scam. The cops called him to come pick up the car while they were still arresting her (!?) He looked inside and found a loose armrest where she had…
Yeah, that’s a terrible example, but I think the point that the “real world” does not adjust to you is valid. I think a better point would be the UChicago student I saw today deriding the lack of trigger warnings for spiders in a bio textbook given that he has arachnophobia. The spiders in your cupboard do not care…
Questionable taste in authors aside, apparently Amber’s type is “middle-aged rich dudes who are astounded by her literacy”.
I would imagine that every sentence is followed by a minute of icy staring in complete silence.