
Plot twist! I did not see this one coming!

I’ve had numerous Soldiers who are Dreamers. I am fucking furious that this is a thing right now. As the good people on the Vox “In The Weeds” podcast said, “what are they supposed to do? Not show up for work? Go AWOL? Is the military going to throw them in the brig and hand them over to immigration when their DACA

Because it doesn’t make any sense to use it now. No one would buy it. And it would hold up funding, which will hurt him more than anyone.

Also today, to the surprise of no one except Assad-worshiping morons, the UN made it clear that the Assad regime dropped sarin on Khan Sheikhoun:

  • The Republican-led House just passed a rule that exempts self-driving cars from safety regulations, just so everybody can rest even easier at night. [USA Today]

It feels dirty and wrong to say but Trump played the debt ceiling deal exactly right for his own agenda. Holding up funding for Harvey is a bad look. Ryan was trying to put that blame on Democrats but they aren’t the ones linking the debt ceiling to funding, in the first place. It would blow back.

He actually called the Dem plan for a three month extension ridiculous an hour or so before Donald sided with them. Kept mum after.

I have to put aside my hatred of Trump to congratulate Democrats for working with him here - the debt ceiling needs to be lifted. The economic damage would be too great otherwise.

i will agree the blind squirel gets a nut now and then but i’m not holding much hope that Donny is willing to make deals just to make deals. those that got him in office will not let him go that easy.

Obviously the world is a hopeless hellscape from which death is the sole true relief, but I would like to say that I’ve been most impressed across the board (especially my Facebook friends!)with the seemingly-increased awareness for the proper spelling of the plural of “attorney general.” Gives me hope.

If I learned anything from those Purge movies (& I haven’t) it’s that purging always works.

Pretty sure siding with democrats tops the lists of “Evil Acts” to Trumps base, above necrophilia and pedophilia, so that’s interesting.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Trump elaborated. He also told reporters, concerning DACA: “Chuck and Nancy want to see something happen and so do I.”

Also the fact it was ceded by Spain anyway around 300 years ago.

I get the feeling that Trump does not realize that the only thing keeping the GOP from moving ahead with getting rid of him at this point is they want him to back and sign their legislative priorities. If he starts working with the Democrats they will have a newfound desire to oust him.

At my local university, 1 in 20 students are estimated to be in DACA.

We’ll keep it. The people there are all British nationals and they want to stay under British control, same as the Falklands. This isn’t like the Indian Ocean Territory where other peoples were forcibly evicted in recent times.

UK Update:

So, if you ever need an example of ‘completely inappropriate use of an exclamation mark...